Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge


Conference fees can be paid either in cash or by credit card or by money transfer. To pay by credit card please email the following information to Thomas Hummel

Credit Card payment:

        Last name, first name (as written on card)

        Card Type (VISA or MASTERCARD)

        Credit card number

        Expiration date

        Conference fee

        Email for possible inquiry

Money transfer - please send the money to the following account:

Within Germany:

Carl Gustav Carus Management GmbH

Important: Please indicate as purpose of the payment “CHEMOSENSATION” plus your name

Bank: Deutsche Kreditbank AG

BLZ: 120 300 00

Account number: 11 248 333

From outside of Germany:

Receiver: Carl Gustav Carus Management GmbH

Important: Please indicate as purpose of the payment “CHEMOSENSATION” plus your name

IBAN:    DE 71 1203 0000 0011 248 333

BIC:    BYLADEM 1001