Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Olfactory implants, Genève, (30.11. - 01.12.2023)

Olfactory implants, Genève, (30.11. - 01.12.2023)

The idea would be talk about olfactory implants within a small group of experts in the field. Most/all participants would give short presentations about aspects of their work – there should be ample time for deep discussions.

There will be a focus on the discussion of an opinion paper regarding the need for and feasibility of an olfactory implant.

The meeting will take place on November 30th (13:00h) and Dec 1st (13:00h), 2023.

The conference site





On Thursday evening there will be a pay-by-yourself seated dinner (welcome drinks will be free!) at Chez Philippe: 

Passage des Lions, rue du Rhône 8, 1204 Genève



Hotels closeby are

the Hotel Adratica

the Hotel La Cour des Augustine

the L’Hotel de Prince


are Basile Landis, Geneva, (Basile.Landis(at) and Thomas Hummel, Dresden, (Thomas.hummel(at)

Important remarks

Presentations can be brought on a USB key.

If you bring a MAC – please bring an adapter for HDMI

Please note that in Switzerland there are power outlets which possibly differ from your standard. Please bring an adapter!

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