Smell and Taste 04
October 12th to 14th, 2012, Dresden, Germany
Currently there are no more places available
This course is an attempt to teach Smell and Taste in a most practical and interesting way, meaning that the meeting is not only defined by lectures, but through practical courses and demonstrations. In addition, the meeting is meant to provide a platform for the informal discussion of questions related to clinical issues around smell and taste - to this end we will entertain plenary sessions where, for example, cases will be presented. Last, no least, the meeting is meant to build or to strengthen networks among the small community of clinicians interested in smell and taste.
It will be organised through the Smell & Taste Clinic of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the University of Dresden Medical School, Fetscherstrasse 74, 01307 Dresden, Germany, phone +49- 0351 458-4189. The meeting will be held in the Medizinisch-Technisches Zentrum (MTZ), Fiedlerstraße 42, D-01307 Dresden, Germany, phone +49-351-450-0.
How to get there - please click here.
Specific site map of the clinic
Dresden-overview plus map of University Clinic
Fee for participation is 250 Euro; for students it is 70 Euro. For people with an industrial background the participation fee is 500 Euro. Accompanying persons pay 70 Euro for participation in the conference dinner. Fees can be paid in cash at the reception desk, money transfer or through credit card. For payment details click here.
Continued Medical Education: The course will earn you 23 points, Category C.
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University of Dresden Medical School
Fetscherstrasse 74 , 01307 Dresden, Germany
phone +49- 0351 458-4189 or -3197
Fax +49- 0351 458-7370
Deadline for registration is the 15th of September 2012. Please send an informal application to Thomas Hummel. Please let us know whether you would like to participate in the conference dinner on the 16th of October. The maximum number of participants is 32; in case of more than 32 applications the date of application will decide about participation. As of today (17-JAN-2012) 3 people registered so that the course is not yet fully booked.
The conference dinner will take place on Saturday, 13th of October, 19:30 h, at the Kanonenhof, Brühlscher Garten 4, 01067 Dresden (how to get there: see also PDF for download)
Support by ECRO - students may apply for financial help!