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Publikationen des Jahres 2021 |
Differential Effects of Trp53 Alterations in Murine Colorectal Cancer. |►| Betzler AM, Nanduri LK, Hissa B, Blickensdörfer L, Muders MH, Roy J, Jesinghaus M, Steiger K, Weichert W, Kloor M, Klink B, Schroeder M, Mazzone M, Weitz J, Reissfelder C, Rahbari NN, Schölch S. |►| Cancers (Basel). 2021 Feb 15;13(4):808.|►| PMID: 33671932. |
Publikationen des Jahres 2020 |
Patient-derived organoids and orthotopic yenografts of primary and recurrent gliomas represent relevant patient avatars for precision oncology. |►|Golebiewska A, Hau AC, Oudin A, Stieber D, Yabo YA, Baus V, Barthelemy V, Klein E, Bougnaud S, Keunen O, Wantz M, Michelucci A, Neirinckx V, Muller A, Kaoma T, Nazarov PV, Azuaje F, De Falco A, Flies B, Richart L, Poovathingal S, Arns T, Grzyb K, Mock A, Herold-Mende C, Steino A, Brown D, May P, Miletic H, Malta TM, Noushmehr H, Kwon YJ, Jahn W, Klink B, Tanner G, Stead LF, Mittelbronn M, Skupin A, Hertel F, Bjerkvig R, Niclou SP. |►| Acta Neuropathol. 2020 Dec;140(6):919-949. |►|PMID: 33009951. |
Molecular Characterization of Astrocytoma Progression Towards Secondary Glioblastomas Utilizing Patient-Matched Tumor Pairs. |►| Seifert M, Schackert G, Temme A, Schröck E, Deutsch A, Klink B. |►| Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jun 26;12(6):E1696 |►| PMID: 32604718. |
Metabolomics, machine learning and immunohistochemistry to predict succinate dehydrogenase mutational status in phaeochromocytomas and paragangliomas. |►| Wallace PW, Conrad C, Brückmann S, Pang Y, Caleiras E, Murakami M, Korpershoek E, Zhuang Z, Rapizzi E, Kroiss M, Gudziol V, J L M Timmers H, Mannelli M, Pietzsch J, Beuschlein F, Pacak K, Robledo M, Klink B, Peitzsch M, Gill AJ, Tischler AS, de Krijger RR, Papathomas T, Aust D, Eisenhofer G, Richter S. |►| J Pathol. 2020 May 27. [Epub ahead of print.] |►| PMID: 32462735 |
The landscape of chromothripsis across adult cancer types. |►|Voronina N, Wong JKL, Hübschmann D, Hlevnjak M, Uhrig S, Heilig CE, Horak P, Kreutzfeldt S, Mock A, Stenzinger A, Hutter B, Fröhlich M, Brors B, Jahn A, Klink B, Gieldon L, Sieverling L, Feuerbach L, Chudasama P, Beck K, Kroiss M, Heining C, Möhrmann L, Fischer A, Schröck E, Glimm H, Zapatka M, Lichter P, Fröhling S, Ernst A. |►|Nat Commun. 2020 May 8; 11(1):2320. |►|PMID: 32385320 |
Publikationen des Jahres 2019 |
Mutant IDH1 Differently Affects Redox State and Metabolism in Glial Cells of Normal and Tumor Origin. |►|Biedermann J, Preussler M, Conde M, Peitzsch M, Richter S, Wiedemuth R, Abou-El-Ardat K, Krüger A, Meinhardt M, Schackert G, Leenders WP, Herold-Mende C, Niclou SP, Bjerkvig R, Eisenhofer G, Temme A, Seifert M, Kunz-Schughart LA, Schröck E, Klink B. |►|Cancers (Basel). 2019 Dec 16;11(12). pii: E2028. |►| PMID: 31888244. |
Network-based analysis of prostate cancer cell lines reveals novel marker gene candidates associated with radioresistance and patient relapse.|►|Seifert M, Peitzsch C, Gorodetska I, Börner C, Klink B, Dubrovska A. |►| PLoS Comput Biol. 2019 Nov 4;15(11):e1007460. eCollection 2019 Nov. |►| PMID: 31682594 |
Controlling distinct signaling states in cultured cancer cells provides a new platform for drug discovery. |►| Poser SW, Otto O, Arps-Forker C, Ge Y, Herbig M, Andree C, Gruetzmann K, Adasme MF, Stodolak S, Nikolakopoulou P, Park DM, Mcintyre A, Lesche M, Dahl A, Lennig P, Bornstein SR, Schroeck E, Klink B, Leker RR, Bickle M, Chrousos GP, Schroeder M, Cannistraci CV, Guck J, Androutsellis-Theotokis A. |►|FASEB J. 2019 Aug;33(8):9235-9249|►|PMID: 31145643. |
Synergistic Highly Potent Targeted Drug Combinations in different Pheochromocytoma Models including Human Tumor Cultures. |►| Fankhauser M, Bechmann N, Lauseker M, Goncalves J, Favier J, Klink B, William D, Gieldon L, Maurer J, Spöttl G, Rank P, Knösel T, Orth M, Ziegler CG, Aristizabal Prada ET, Rubinstein G, Fassnacht M, Spitzweg C, Grossman AB, Pacak K, Beuschlein F, Bornstein SR, Eisenhofer G, Auernhammer CJ, Reincke M, Nölting S. |►| Endocrinology. 2019 Nov 1;160(11):2600-2617. |►| PMID: 31322702 |
Optimizing Genetic Workup in Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma by Integrating Diagnostic and Research Approaches. |►| Gieldon L, William D, Hackmann K, Jahn W, Jahn A, Wagner J, Rump A, Bechmann N, Nölting S, Knösel T, Gudziol V, Constantinescu G, Masjkur J, Beuschlein F, Timmers HJ, Canu L, Pacak K, Robledo M, Aust D, Schröck E, Eisenhofer G, Richter S, Klink B.|►| Cancers (Basel). 2019 Jun 11;11(6). pii: E809. |►| PMID: 31212687. |
Deep sequencing of a recurrent oligodendroglioma and the derived xenografts reveals new insights into the evolution of human oligodendroglioma and candidate driver genes. |►| Exner ND, Valenzuela JAC, Abou-El-Ardat K, Miletic H, Huszthy PC, Radehaus PM, Schröck E, Bjerkvig R, Kaderali L, Klink B, Nigro JM.|►| Oncotarget. 2019 Jun 4;10(38):3641-3653. |►| PMID: 31217899. |
The CD98 heavy chain is a marker and regulator of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma radiosensitivity. |►| Digomann D, Kurth I, Tyutyunnykova A, Chen O, Löck S, Gorodetska I, Peitzsch C, Skvortsova I, Negro G, Aschenbrenner B, Eisenhofer G, Richter S, Heiden S, Porrmann J, Klink B, Schwager C, Dowle AA, Hein L, Kunz-Schughart LA, Abdollahi A, Lohaus F, Krause M, Baumann M, Linge A, Dubrovska A. |►| Clin Cancer Res. 2019 May 15;25(10):3152-3163. |►| PMID: 30670494. |
Targeted capture-based NGS is superior to multiplex PCR-based NGS for hereditary BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene analysis in FFPE tumor samples. |►|Zakrzewski F, Gieldon L, Rump A, Seifert M, Grützmann K, Krüger A, Loos S, Zeugner S, Hackmann K, Porrmann J, Wagner J, Kast K, Wimberger P, Baretton G, Schröck E, Aust D, Klink B. |►|BMC Cancer. 2019 Apr 27;19(1):396. |►| PMID: 31029168. |
Defective homologous recombination DNA repair as therapeutic target in advanced chordoma. |►| Gröschel S, Hübschmann D, Raimondi F, Horak P, Warsow G, Fröhlich M, Klink B, Gieldon L, Hutter B, Kleinheinz K, Bonekamp D, Marschal O, Chudasama P, Mika J, Groth M, Uhrig S, Krämer S, Heining C, Heilig CE, Richter D, Reisinger E, Pfütze K, Eils R, Wolf S, von Kalle C, Brandts C, Scholl C, Weichert W, Richter S, Bauer S, Penzel R, Schröck E, Stenzinger A, Schlenk RF, Brors B, Russell RB, Glimm H, Schlesner M, Fröhling S. |►|Nat Commun. 2019 Apr 9;10(1):1635. |►| PMID: 30967556. |
Response to Olaparib in a PALB2 Germline Mutated Prostate Cancer and Genetic Events Associated with Resistance. |►| Horak P, Weischenfeldt J, von Amsberg G, Beyer B, Schutte A, Uhrig S, Gieldon L, Klink B, Feuerbach L, Hubschmann D, Kreutzfeldt S, Heining C, Maier S, Hutter B, Penzel R, Schlesner M, Eils R, Sauter G, Stenzinger A, Brors B, Schröck E, Glimm H, Fröhling S, Schlomm T. |►| Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2019 Apr 1;5(2). pii: a003657. |►| PMID: 30833416. |
Metabolome-guided genomics to identify pathogenic variants in isocitrate dehydrogenase, fumarate hydratase, and succinate dehydrogenase genes in pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma. |►| Richter S, Gieldon L, Pang Y, Peitzsch M, Huynh T, Leton R, Viana B, Ercolino T, Mangelis A, Rapizzi E, Menschikowski M, Aust D, Kroiss M, Beuschlein F, Gudziol V, Timmers HJ, Lenders J, Mannelli M, Cascon A, Pacak K, Robledo M, Eisenhofer G, Klink B. |►| Genet Med. 2019 Mar;21(3):705-71 |►| PMID: 30050099 |
Human gastric cancer modelling using organoids. |►|Seidlitz T, Merker SR, Rothe A, Zakrzewski F, von Neubeck C, Grützmann K, Sommer U, Schweitzer C, Schölch S, Uhlemann H, Gaebler AM, Werner K, Krause M, Baretton GB, Welsch T, Koo BK, Aust DE, Klink B, Weitz J, Stange DE. |►| 2019 Feb;68(2):207-217. |►| PMID: 29703791 |
Patterns of Tumor Progression Predict Small and Tissue-Specific Tumor-Originating Niches. |►| Buder T, Deutsch A, Klink B, Voss-Böhme A. |►|Front Oncol. 2019 Jan 10;8:668. |►|PMID: 30687642. |
Publikationen des Jahres 2018 |
Author Correction: Variants in exons 5 and 6 of ACTB cause syndromic thrombocytopenia.|►| Latham SL, Ehmke N, Reinke PYA, Taft MH, Eicke D, Reindl T, Stenzel W, Lyons MJ, Friez MJ, Lee JA, Hecker R, Frühwald MC, Becker K, Neuhann TM, Horn D, Schrock E, Niehaus I, Sarnow K, Grützmann K, Gawehn L, Klink B, Rump A, Chaponnier C, Figueiredo C, Knöfler R, Manstein DJ, Di Donato N. |►|Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 19;9(1):4930. |►| PMID: 30451859. |
Diagnostic value of partial exome sequencing in developmental disorders. |►| Gieldon L, Mackenroth L, Kahlert AK, Lemke JR, Porrmann J, Schallner J, von der Hagen M, Markus S, Weidensee S, Novotna B, Soerensen C, Klink B, Wagner J, Tzschach A, Jahn A,Kuhlee F, Hackmann K, Schrock E, Di Donato N, Rump A. |►|PLoS One. 2018 Aug 9;13(8):e0201041. |►| PMID: 30091983. |
Nivolumab maintenance after salvage autologous stem cell transplantation results in long term remission in multiple relapsed primary cns lymphoma. |►| Terziev D, Hutter B, Klink B, Stenzinger A, Stögbauer F, Glimm H, Fröhling S, Wickenhauser C, Jordan K, Hurtz HJ, Müller LP, Rüssel J, Weber T. |►| Eur J Haematol. 2018 Jul;101(1):115-118.|►| PMID: 29624748 |
Network-based analysis of oligodendrogliomas predicts novel cancer gene candidates within the region of the 1p/19q co-deletion. |►| Gladitz J, Klink B, Seifert M. |►| Acta Neuropathol Commun. 2018 Jun 11;6(1):49. |►| PMID: 29890994 |
NRG1 Fusions in KRAS Wild-type Pancreatic Cancer. |►| Heining C, Horak P, Uhrig S, Codo PL, Klink B, Hutter B, Fröhlich M, Bonekamp D, Richter D, Steiger K, Penzel R, Endris V, Ehrenberg KR, Frank S, Kleinheinz K, Toprak UH, Schlesner M, Mandal R, Schulz L, Lambertz H, Fetscher S, Bitzer M, Malek NP, Horger MS, Giese NA, Strobel O, Hackert T, Springfeld C, Feuerbach L, Bergmann F, Schröck E, von Kalle C, Weichert W, Scholl C, Ball CR, Stenzinger A, Brors B, Fröhling S, Glimm H.|►| Cancer Discov. 2018 Sep;8(9):1087-1095. |►| PMID: 29802158 |
Pericytes/vessel-associated mural cells (VAMCs) are the major source of key epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) factors SLUG and TWIST in human glioma. |►|Mäder L, Blank AE, Capper D, Jansong J, Baumgarten P, Wirsik NM, Zachskorn C, Ehlers J, Seifert M, Klink B, Liebner S, Niclou S, Naumann U, Harter PN, Mittelbronn M. |►| Oncotarget. 2018 May 8;9(35):24041-24053. |►| PMID: 29844871 |
Comparative analysis of histologically classified oligodendrogliomas reveals characteristic molecular differences between subgroups. |►| Lauber C, Klink B, Seifert M. |►| BMC Cancer. 2018 Apr 10;18(1):399. |►| PMID: 29631562 |
Whole exome sequencing identifies mTOR and KEAP1 as potential targets for radiosensitization of HNSCC cells refractory to EGFR and β1 integrin inhibition. |►| Klapproth E, Dickreuter E, Zakrzewski F, Seifert M, Petzold A, Dahl A, Schröck E, Klink B, Cordes N. |►| Oncotarget. 2018 Apr 6;9(26):18099-18114. |►| PMID: 29719593 |
Generation of iPSCs carrying a common LRRK2 risk allele for in vitro modeling of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. |►| Marrone L, Bus C, Schöndorf D, Fitzgerald JC, Kübler M, Schmid B, Reinhardt P, Reinhardt L, Deleidi M, Levin T, Meixner A, Klink B, Glatza M, Gloeckner CJ, Gasser T, Sterneckert J. |►| PLoS One. 2018 Mar 7;13(3):e0192497. |►| PMID: 29513666. |
Next generation panel sequencing identifies NF1 germline mutations in three patients with pheochromocytoma but no clinical diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis Type 1. |►| Gieldon L, Masjkur JR, Richter S, Därr R, Lahera M, Aust DE, Zeugner S, Rump A, Hackmann K, Tzschach A, Januszewicz A, Prejbisz A, Eisenhofer G, Schroeck E, Robledo M, Klink B. |►| Eur J Endocrinol. 2018 Feb;178(2):K1-K9. |►|PMID: 29158289 |
Integrative genomic and transcriptomic analysis of leiomyosarcoma. |►| Chudasama P, Mughal SS, Sanders MA, Hübschmann D, Chung I, Deeg KI, Wong SH, Rabe S, Hlevnjak M, Zapatka M, Ernst A, Kleinheinz K, Schlesner M, Sieverling L, Klink B, Schröck E, Hoogenboezem RM, Kasper B, Heilig CE, Egerer G, Wolf S, von Kalle C, Eils R, Stenzinger A, Weichert W, Glimm H, Gröschel S, Kopp HG, Omlor G, Lehner B, Bauer S, Schimmack S, Ulrich A, Mechtersheimer G, Rippe K, Brors B, Hutter B, Renner M, Hohenberger P, Scholl C, Fröhling S.|►| Nat Commun. 2018 Jan 10;9(1):144. |►|PMID: 29321523 |
CASP9 Germline Mutation in a Family with Multiple Brain Tumors. |►| Ronellenfitsch MW, Ji Eun O, Satomi K, Sumi K, Harter PN, Steinbach JP, Felsberg J, Capper D, Voegele C, Durand G, McKay J, Le Calvez-Kelm F, Schittenhelm J, Klink B, Mittelbronn M, Ohgaki H. |►| Brain Pathol. 2018 Jan;28(1):94-102.|►| PMID: 27935156 |
Publikationen des Jahres 2017 |
Chromosomal instability induced by increased BIRC5/Survivin levels affects tumorigenicity of glioma cells. |►| Conde M, Michen S, Wiedemuth R, Klink B, Schröck E, Schackert G, Temme A.|►|BMC Cancer. 2017 Dec 28;17(1):889. |►|PMID: 29282022 |
Cell adhesion heterogeneity reinforces tumour cell dissemination: novel insights from a mathematical model. |►| Reher D, Klink B, Deutsch A, Voss-Böhme A. |►| Biol Direct. 2017 Aug 11;12(1):18. |►| PMID: 28800767 |
Precision oncology based on omics data: The NCT Heidelberg experience.|►| Horak P, Klink B, Heining C, Gröschel S, Hutter B, Fröhlich M, Uhrig S, Hübschmann D, Schlesner M, Eils R, Richter D, Pfütze K, Geörg C, Meißburger B, Wolf S, Schulz A, Penzel R, Herpel E, Kirchner M, Lier A, Endris V, Singer S, Schirmacher P, Weichert W, Stenzinger A, Schlenk RF, Schröck E, Brors B, von Kalle C, Glimm H, Fröhling S. |►| Int J Cancer. 2017 Sep 1;141(5):877-886. |►| PMID: 28597939 |
The conjugated antimetabolite 5-FdU-ECyd and its cellular and molecular effects on platinum-sensitive vs. -resistant ovarian cancer cells in vitro. |►| Schott S, Wimberger P, Klink B, Grützmann K, Puppe J, Wauer US, Klotz DM, Schröck E, Kuhlmann JD.|►| Oncotarget. 2017 Aug 14;8(44):76935-76948.|►| PMID: 29100359 |
The contribution of homology arms to nuclease-assisted genome engineering. |►| Baker O, Tsurkan S, Fu J, Klink B, Rump A, Obst M, Kranz A, Schröck E, Anastassiadis K, Stewart AF. |►|Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Jun 5. |►|PMID: 28582546 |
Metabologenomics of Phaeochromocytoma and Paraganglioma: An Integrated Approach for Personalised Biochemical and Genetic Testing. |►| Eisenhofer G, Klink B, Richter S, Lenders JW, Robledo M. |►| Clin Biochem Rev. 2017 Apr;38(2):69-100. |►| PMID: 29332973 |
Characteristics of Pediatric vs Adult Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas.|►| Pamporaki C, Hamplova B, Peitzsch M, Prejbisz A, Beuschlein F, Timmers HJLM, Fassnacht M, Klink B, Lodish M, Stratakis CA, Huebner A, Fliedner S, Robledo M, Sinnott RO, Januszewicz A, Pacak K, Eisenhofer G.|►| J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017 Apr 1;102(4):1122-1132.|►| PMID: 28324046 |
Characteristics of Pediatric vs Adult Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas.|►| Pamporaki C, Hamplova B, Peitzsch M, Prejbisz A, Beuschlein F, Timmers HJLM, Fassnacht M, Klink B, Lodish M, Stratakis CA, Huebner A, Fliedner S, Robledo M, Sinnott RO, Januszewicz A, Pacak K, Eisenhofer G.|►| J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017 Apr 1;102(4):1122-1132.|►| PMID: 28324046 |
Publikationen des Jahres 2016 |
Janus face-like effects of Aurora B inhibition: antitumoral mode of action versus induction of aneuploid progeny. |►| Wiedemuth R, Klink B, Fujiwara M,Schröck E, Tatsuka M, Schackert G, Temme A. |►| Carcinogenesis. 2016 Oct;37(10):993-1003. |►| PMID: 27515963. |
Ready to clone: CNV detection and breakpoint fine-mapping in breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility genes by high-resolution array CGH. |►| Hackmann K, Kuhlee F, Betcheva-Krajcir E, Kahlert AK,Mackenroth L,Klink B, Di Donato N, Tzschach A, Kast K, Wimberger P, Schrock E, Rump A. |►| Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2016 Aug 31. |►| PMID: 27581129. |
Interstitial 1q23.3q24.1 deletion in a patient with renal malformation, congenital heart disease, and mild intellectual disability. |►| Mackenroth L, Hackmann K, Klink B, Weber JS, Mayer B, Schröck E, Tzschach A. |►| Am J Med Genet A. 2016 Jun 3 |►| PMID: 27255444 |
An Epigenetic Reprogramming Strategy to Resensitize Radioresistant Prostate Cancer Cells. |►| Peitzsch C, Cojoc M, Hein L, Kurth I, Mäbert K, Trautmann F, Klink B, Schröck E, Wirth MP, Krause M, Stakhovsky EA, Telegeev GD, Novotny V, Toma M, Muders M, Baretton GB, Frame FM, Maitland NJ, Baumann M, Dubrovska A. |►| Cancer Res. 2016 May 1;76(9):2637-51. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-15-2116. |►| PMID: 26984757. |
An unusual case of Cowden syndrome associated with ganglioneuromatous polyposis. |►| Pistorius S, Klink B, Pablik J, Rump A, Aust D, Garzarolli M, Schröck E, Schackert HK. |►| Hered Cancer Clin Pract. 2016 May 10;14:11 |►| PMID: 27168869. |
Functional Restoration of gp91phox-Oxidase Activity by BAC Transgenesis and Gene Targeting in X-linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease iPSCs. |►| Laugsch M, Rostovskaya M, Velychko S, Richter C, Zimmer A, Klink B, Schröck E, Haase M, Neumann K, Thieme S, Roesler J, Brenner S, Anastassiadis K. |►| Mol Ther. 2016 Apr;24(4):812-22. doi: 10.1038/mt.2015.154. Epub 2015 Aug 28. |►| PMID: 26316390 |
Mutations in EXOSC2 are associated with a novel syndrome characterised by retinitis pigmentosa, progressive hearing loss, premature ageing, short stature, mild intellectual disability and distinctive gestalt. |►| Di Donato N,Neuhann T, Kahlert AK, Klink B, Hackmann K, Neuhann I, Novotna B, Schallner J, Krause C, Glass IA, Parnell SE, Benet-Pages A, Nissen AM, Berger W, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Weber BH, Schrock E, Dobyns WB, Bier A, Rump A. |►| J Med Genet. 2016 Feb 3. pii: jmedgenet-2015-103511. |►| PMID: 26843489. |
Identification and Functional Testing of ERCC2 Mutations in a Multi-national Cohort of Patients with Familial Breast- and Ovarian Cancer. |►| Rump A, Benet-Pages A, Schubert S, Kuhlmann JD, Janavičius R, Macháčková E, Foretová L, Kleibl Z, Lhota F, Zemankova P, Betcheva-Krajcir E, Mackenroth L, Hackmann K, Lehmann J, Nissen A, DiDonato N, Opitz R, Thiele H, Kast K, Wimberger P, Holinski-Feder E, Emmert S, Schröck E, Klink B. |►| PLoS Genet. 2016 Aug 9;12(8):e1006248.|►| PMID: 27504877. |
Functional Restoration of gp91phox-Oxidase Activity by BAC Transgenesis and Gene Targeting in X-linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease iPSCs. |►| Laugsch M, Rostovskaya M, Velychko S, Richter C, Zimmer A, Klink B, Schröck E, Haase M, Neumann K, Thieme S, Roesler J, Brenner S, Anastassiadis K. |►| Mol Ther. 2016 Apr;24(4):812-22. |►| PubMed PMID: 26316390. |