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Computational Neuroscience

Computational Neuroscience

The Computational Machinery of Cognition (CMC) lab is based at the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden. The overarching research theme of our lab is understanding the computational machinery of cognitive processes. Cognition spans a wide range of functions (from perception to planning), and it is one of the most remarkable capabilities of the brain. In CMC lab we want to understand the computations underlying cognitive processes, and the biophysical machinery that implement these computations. Imagine we go to a restaurant and want to order a dish. For such decisions brain needs to take into account several factors: how much we like each option, how much we want to explore new stuff, how pricey they are, … . There is much computation going on in our brain to sort out each of those questions. And, in the end, all is happening in a piece of wet machinery (brain). We want to understand how our brain does those computations and how they are implemented (biophysics of computations).

We do normative and biophysical modeling (to ideally combine them) to understand the cognitive functions (we chose perceptual decisions as our starting point); we will test these models with neural and behavioral data (in collaboration with experimental labs); and we will develop machine learning methods for multi- and cross-scale analysis of neural data to better capture the neural markers of underlying cognitive (sub-)processes and ultimately connect them to underlying computations.

Please feel free to check the lab website ( for more information.