1st Summer School of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM) and the European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO)
Dear colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the 1st Summer School of the European Society for Microcirculation (ESM) and the European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO) from July 1-5, 2018 in Dresden, Germany!
Microcirculation and vascular biology play a central role in cardiovascular development, function and diseases. The ESM and the EVBO want to support young investigators by establishing a Joint Summer School in the years between the Joint European Congresses. The 1st Summer School was announced at the Joint Meeting of the ESM and the EVBO in Geneva and will take place in Dresden, Germany. The programme will be supported by the ESM, the EVBO and the TransCampus of TU Dresden and King’s College London. The programme of the Summer School will include method courses, renowned experts in the field as invited speakers and poster presentations by young investigators selected from the submitted abstracts.
We want to attract mainly early researchers (PhD and MD students in the first three years of their research) plus a few more experienced researchers whose PhD was obtained within the last 2 years. Students from around Europe who are interested to participate can send us an abstract summarizing their project via e-mail to: Henning.Morawietz@tu-dresden.de (deadline: April 25, 2018). The 30 participants will be selected by peer-review.
In addition, the city of art, culture, and science Dresden offers a variety of cultural highlights like the Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche), Royal Palace, Zwinger, Semper Opera House, Albertinum, Elbe castles, or the ‘Blue Wonder’ bridge. We plan an attractive social programme including a Get-together, an evening at the river Elbe and an excursion to the national park Saxon Switzerland.
We will be very pleased to welcome you in Dresden in July 2018!
Best regards,
Henning Morawietz Richard Siow
TU Dresden King’s College London