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Die vollständige Liste der Publikationen finden Sie hier unter den Suchbegriffen "Graessler J OR Grassler J" und "Kopprasch S"

Graessler J, Schwudke D, Schwarz PE, Herzog R, Shevchenko A, Bornstein SR.
Top-down lipidomics reveals ether lipid deficiency in blood plasma of hypertensive patients. PLoS One. 2009 Jul 15;4(7):e6261.

Kopprasch S., Graessler J., Bornstein S.R., Schwarz P.E., Tselmin S., Frind A., Poberschin I., Julius U. Beyond lowering circulating LDL: Apheresis-induced changes of systemic oxidative stress markers by four different techniques.
Atherosclerosis Supplements 10 (2009) 34-38

Sergey Tselmin, Gerd Schmitz, Ulrich Julius, Stefan R. Bornstein, Andreas Barthel, Juergen Graessler. Acute effects of lipid apheresis on human serum lipidome.
Atherosclerosis Supplements 10 (2009) 27–33

Kopprasch S, Pietzsch J, Ansurudeen I, Graessler J, Krug A, Ehrhart-Bornstein M, Bornstein S. Prediabetic and diabetic in vivo modification of circulating low density lipoprotein attenuates its stimulatory effect on adrenal aldosterone and cortisol secretion. J Endocrinol. 2009 Jan; 200(1):45-52. Epub 2008 Oct 3.

Julius U, Drel VR, Gräßler J, Obrosova IG. Nitrosylated Proteins in Monocytes as a new Marker of Oxidative-Nitrosative Stress in Diabetic Subjects with Macroangiopathy.
Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2009 Feb;117(2):72-7. Epub 2008 Aug 25.

Aringer M, Graessler J. Understanding deficient elimination of uric acid.
Lancet 2008, Volume 372, (9654), 1929-1930

Vitart V, Rudan I, Hayward C, Gray NK, Floyd J, Palmer CN, Knott SA, Kolcic I, Polasek O, Graessler J, Wilson JF, Marinaki A, Riches PL, Shu X, Janicijevic B, Smolej-Narancic N, Gorgoni B, Morgan J, Campbell S, Biloglav Z, Barac-Lauc L, Pericic M, Klaric IM, Zgaga L, Skaric-Juric T, Wild SH, Richardson WA, Hohenstein P, Kimber CH, Tenesa A, Donnelly LA, Fairbanks LD, Aringer M, McKeigue PM, Ralston SH, Morris AD, Rudan P, Hastie ND, Campbell H, Wright AF. SLC2A9 is a newly identified urate transporter influencing serum urate concentration, urate excretion and gout.
Nat Genet. 2008 Apr;40(4):437-42 

Unger, S,  Tausche, A-K, Kopprasch, S, Bornstein, SR, Aringer, M, Gräßler, J. Molekulare Grundlagen der primär-renalen Hyperurikämie. Zur Rolle des humanen Urattransporters hURAT1. Z Rheumatol. 2007 Nov;66(7):556-61.

Krug AW, Kopprasch S, Ziegler CG, Dippong S, Catar RA, Bornstein SR, Morawietz H, Gekle M. Aldosterone rapidly induces leukocyte adhesion to endothelial cells: a new link between aldosterone and arteriosclerosis?
Hypertension. 2007 Nov;50(5):e156-7.

Ansurudeen I, Kopprasch S, Ehrhart-Bornstein M, Bornstein SR, Willenberg HS. Endothelial cell-mediated regulation of aldosterone release from human adrenocortical cells.
Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2007 Feb;265-266:150-6.

Ansurudeen I, Kopprasch S, Ehrhart-Bornstein M, Willenberg HS, Krug AW, Funk RH, Bornstein SR. Vascular-adrenal niche--endothelial cell-mediated sensitization of human adrenocortical cells to angiotensin II.
Horm Metab Res. 2006 Jul;38(7):476-80.

Graessler, J, Pietzsch J, Westendorf T; Julius U, Bornstein SR, Kopprasch S. Oxidized and glycated LDL isolated from subjects with impaired glucose tolerance increases CD36 and PPARγ gene expression in macrophages.
Diabetologia 2007 May;50(5): 1080-8

Graessler J , Unger S, Tausche AK, Kopprasch S, Bornstein SR. Gout – new insights into a forgotten disease. Horm Metab Res 2006 38(3): 203-204.

Graessler J , Graessler A, Unger S, Kopprasch S, Tausche AK, Kuhlisch E, Schroeder HE. Association of the human urate transporter 1 with reduced renal uric acid excretion and hyperuricemia in a German Caucasian population.
Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Jan;54(1):292-300.

Graessler J, Verlohren M, Graessler A, Zeissig A, Kuhlisch E, Kopprasch S, Schroeder HE. Association of chondromodulin-II Val58Ile polymorphism with radiographic joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis.
J Rheumatol. 2005 Sep;32(9):1654-61.

Westendorf T, Graessler J, Kopprasch S. Hypochlorite-oxidized low-density lipoprotein upregulates CD36 and PPARgamma mRNA expression and modulates SR-BI gene expression in murine macrophages.
Mol Cell Biochem. 2005 Sep;277(1-2):143-52.

Kopprasch S, Kreutzer FJ, Nowak V, Graessler J. Intravenose Sauerstofftherapie erhoht die Aktivitat des antioxidativen und antiatherogenetischen Enzyms Paraoxonase-1 im Serum.
Forsch Komplementarmed Klass Naturheilkd. 2005 Dec;12(6):342-6

Kopprasch S, Pietzsch J, Graessler J. The protective effects of HDL and its constituents against neutrophil respiratory burst activation by hypochlorite-oxidized LDL. Mol Cell Biochem. 2004 Mar;258(1-2):121-7.

Kopprasch S, Pietzsch J, Westendorf T, Kruse HJ, Grassler J. The pivotal role of scavenger receptor CD36 and phagocyte-derived oxidants in oxidized low density lipoprotein-induced adhesion to endothelial cells.
Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2004 Mar;36(3):460-71.

Kopprasch S, Pietzsch J, Graessler J. Validation of different chemilumigenic substrates for detecting extracellular generation of reactive oxygen species by phagocytes and endothelial cells. Luminescence. 2003 Sep-Oct;18(5):268-73.

Kopprasch S, Pietzsch J, Kuhlisch E, Graessler J. Lack of association between serum paraoxonase 1 activities and increased oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels in impaired glucose tolerance and newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus.
J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Apr;88(4):1711-6.

Kopprasch S, Pietzsch J, Kuhlisch E, Fuecker K, Temelkova-Kurktschiev T, Hanefeld M, Kuhne H, Julius U, Graessler J. In vivo evidence for increased oxidation of circulating LDL in impaired glucose tolerance. Diabetes. 2002 Oct;51(10):3102-6.