Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge


The geriatric ward is an interdisciplinary ward with internists, neurologists and psychiatrists working together. The ward is a centre for acutely sick patients with many health problems, that have lived relatively independently so far and that are severely affected by an acute new problem or that are severely affected by an acute worsening of a known problem, in a way that an in patient treatment is necessary.
According to the profile of the ward there can be different internal, neurological or psychiatric problems that lead patients there. Usually patients are referred to the ward from other wards of the university hospital. Sometimes we are also consulted by primary care physicians who would like to refer patients.
In the 18 beds that are currently available on the ward we mostly admit psychiatric and neurological problems and a smaller number of internal problems. Because almost all patients in retirement age usually also have internal medical problems this ward belongs to the internal medicine department.