Nephrology / Hemodialysis
In this department patients with hypertension, patients with diseases
that lead to kidney dysfunction, patients with disturbances of the
electrolytes and patients with urinary tract infection are treated.
Moreover patients with increased loss of proteins in the urine, with
erythrocytes in the urine and patients with kidney transplants are
treated. The out patient clinic for kidney transplants has developed
into a big part of the nephrology out patient clinic. Patients who need a
kidney transplant in the future are examined and prepared for the
transplantation in this clinic. The exams are done for determining the
diagnosis and the following treatment. Complex or difficult diagnostic
procedures are done on the ward. As for example a kidney biopsy and the
examination of the kidney vessels (kidneyarteriography). Some kidney
diseases have to be treated with i.v. lines to administer certain
antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, antibodies or blood products. This can
only be done in an in patient setting. In patients with kidney
transplants on immunosuppressive therapy or also in patients with other
kidney diseases, complications can occur (for example infections with
rare agents, fever of unknown origin, deterioration of kidney function),
that need to be treated in an inpatient setting. The course of arterial
hypertension is sometimes so severe that only in an inpatient setting
the strongest antihypertensive medication can be safely administered.
Renal insufficiency can make the preparation for hemodialysis necessary;
for that the patient is usually admitted to the nephrology ward. If it
is planned to do peritoneal dialysis instead of hemodialysis, the
placement of a peritoneal catheter and the primary training for dialysis
are done in association with the nephrology ward. The dialysis
treatments are carried out in the hemodialysis centre, as long as the
patient is on the ward, he/she is taken there from the ward, later
patients will go there as out patients if treatment is still necessary.
conditions that make an in patient treatment necessary are
pyelonephritis, narrowing of kidney arteries, thrombosis of kidney
veins, bleeding at the kidney capsule, kidney dysfunction in addition to
pulmonal and joint disease, severe dehydration, as well as advanced
disturbances electrolytes like potassium ( severely elevated or
lowered), calcium (severely elevated or lowered) sodium, magnesium and