Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Arbeitsgruppe Schlaganfallforschung

Über uns

Die AG Schlaganfallforschung der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus beschäftigt sich mit wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, die zu einer Verbesserung des pathophysiologischen Verständnisses und der klinischen Versogung von Schlaganfallpatient*innen beitragen. Die AG ist an das Dresdner Neurovaskuläre Centrum und das neurovaskuläre Netzwerk SOS-NET angeschlossen und greift so auf die hochschulmedizinische Infrastruktur einer interdisziplinären, telemedizinisch vernetzten und integrativen Schlaganfallversorgung zurück.


  • Telemedizinische Schlaganfallversorgung
  • Schlaganfallnachsorge
  • Bildgebung und Akuttherapie
  • Neurointensivmedizinische Forschung
  • Psychopharmakologie und Schlaganfall
  • COVID-19 und Schlaganfall
  • Heart and Brain, autonome Funktionen
  • Ätiologiediagnostik


  • PD Dr. med. Jessica Barlinn, M.Sc.
  • Prof. Dr. med. Timo Siepmann, FAHA
  • Prof. Dr. med. Volker Pütz, FESO
  • Prof. Dr. med. Kristian Barlinn, M.Sc., FESO
  • Dr. med. Lars-Peder Pallesen, FESO

Aktuelle Projekte

  • Prospektive Valdierung der Software DETECT
  • Randomisiert kontrollierte Studie zur Herzfrequenzmessung während des akuten Schlaganfalles und der Neuropathie des kritisch kranken Patienten
  • Behandlungsstrategien des akuten Zentralartierenverschlusses
  • Behandlungsstrategien des akuten Basilarisverschlusses
  • Temperaturmanagement nach endovaskulärer Therapie des akuten Schlaganfalles
  • Auswirkungen der diagnostischen Befunde der transösophagealen Echokardiografie (offense Foramen ovale, Lambl-Exkreszenzen) auf das Reinfarktrisiko und Sekundärprophylaxe
  • Validierung der HINTS-plus Kriterien mittels Videookulographie
  • Behandlungsstrategien des akuten Verschlusses der A. carotis interna
  • Behandlungsstrategien des Non-konvulsiven Status epilepticus insbesondere klinische Ergebnisse der Burst-Supression Narkose
  • Evidenzbasierte Schlaganfallversorgung während der COVID-19 Pandemie
  • INCARE (“Intelligent Case Record”)

Klinische Studien am Studienzentrum der AG

    A Study on BMS-986177 for the Prevention of a Stroke in Patients Receiving Aspirin and Clopidogrel
  • PRESTIGE-AF        
    PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE Survivors With Atrial Fibrillation
  •  CHARM
    Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous BIIB093 (Glibenclamide) for Severe Cerebral Edema Following Large Hemispheric Infarction
  • Intrepid     
    Impact of Fever Prevention in Brain Injured Patients
  • Clearance        
    Randomized comparison of interventional closure of the left atrialappendage using a LAA closure device versus oral anticoagulation therapy in patients with Non-valvular atrial fibrillation and status post intracranial bleeding
    A multicentre, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel Group, singledose trial
    designed to determine the efficacy and safety of nerinetide in participants with acute ischemic stroke undergoing endovascular thrombectomy excluding thrombolysis.

Ausgewählte Veröffentlichungen

  • Siepmann T, Sedghi A, Simon E, Winzer S, Barlinn J, de With K, Mirow L, Wolz M, Gruenewald T, Schroettner P, von Bonin S, Pallesen LP, Rosengarten B, Schubert J, Lohmann T, Machetanz J, Spieth P, Koch T, Bornstein S, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Increased risk of acute stroke among patients with severe COVID-19: a multicenter study and meta-analysis. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Jan;28(1):238-247.

  • Lopes DG, Tamayo A, Schipp B, Siepmann T. Cost-effectiveness of edoxaban vs low-molecular-weight heparin and warfarin for cancer-associated thrombosis in Brazil. Thromb Res. 2020 Dec;196:4-10. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.08.014.

  • Barlinn K, Siepmann T, Pallesen LP, Winzer S, Sedghi A, Schroettner P, Hochauf-Stange K, Prakapenia A, Moustafa H, de With K, Linn J, Reichmann H, Barlinn J, Puetz V. Universal laboratory testing for SARS-CoV-2 in hyperacute stroke during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020 Sep;29(9):105061.

  • Siepmann T, Sedghi A, Barlinn J, de With K, Mirow L, Wolz M, Gruenewald T, Helbig S, Schroettner P, Winzer S, von Bonin S, Moustafa H, Pallesen LP, Rosengarten B, Schubert J, Gueldner A, Spieth P, Koch T, Bornstein S, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Association of history of cerebrovascular disease with severity of COVID-19. J Neurol. 2020 Aug 6:1–12.

  • Pallesen LP, Wagner J, Lambrou D, Braun S, Weise M, Prakapenia A, Barlinn J, Siepmann T, Winzer S, Moustafa H, Kitzler HH, Barlinn K, Reichmann H, Puetz V. Association of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on Transthoracic Echocardiography. J Clin Med. 2020 Jul 8;9(7):2148.

  • Krause F, Penzlin AI, Ritschel G, Barlinn K, Reichmann H, Weidner K, Siepmann M, Siepmann T. Randomized controlled three-arm study of NADA acupuncture for alcohol addiction. Addict Behav. 2020 Nov;110:106488. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106488. Epub 2020 May 31. PMID: 32599496.

  • Pallesen LP, Winzer S, Barlinn K, Prakapenia A, Siepmann T, Gruener C, Gerber J, Haedrich K, Linn J, Barlinn J, Puetz V. Safety of inter-hospital transfer of patients with acute ischemic stroke for evaluation of endovascular thrombectomy. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 27;10(1):5655.

  • Moustafa H, Barlinn K, Prakapenia A, Winzer S, Gerber J, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Haedrich K, Wojciechowski C, Reichmann H, Linn J, Puetz V, Barlinn J. Endovascular therapy for anterior circulation large vessel occlusion in telestroke. J Telemed Telecare. 2019 Aug 7:1357633X19867193.

  • Prakapenia A, Gruener C, Winzer S, Barlinn J, Gerber J, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Moustafa H, Reichmann H, Linn J, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Misjudgment of pre-stroke functional status contradicts beneficial outcomes after endovascular therapy for large vessel occlusion. J Neurol. 2019 Aug;266(8):2060-2065.

  • Yousif D, Bellos I, Penzlin AI, Hijazi MM, Illigens BM, Pinter A, Siepmann T. Autonomic Dysfunction in Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review. Front Neurol. 2019 Aug 6;10:816.

  • Raming L, Moustafa H, Prakapenia A, Barlinn J, Gerber J, Theilen H, Siepmann T, Pallesen LP, Haedrich K, Winzer S, Reichmann H, Linn J, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Association of Anesthetic Exposure Time With Clinical Outcomes After Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2019 Jun 26;10:679.

  • Pallesen LP, Barlinn K, Puetz V. Role of Decompressive Craniectomy in Ischemic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2019 Jan 9;9:1119.

  • Prakapenia A, Barlinn K, Pallesen LP, Köhler A, Siepmann T, Winzer S, Barlinn J, Daubner D, Linn J, Reichmann H, Puetz V. Low Diagnostic Yield of Routine Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis in Juvenile Stroke. Front Neurol. 2018

  • Pacheco JT, Siepmann T, Barlinn J, Winzer S, Penzlin AI, Puetz V, von der Hagen M, Barlinn K. Safety and efficacy of recanalization therapy in pediatric stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2018 Nov;22(6):1035-1041.

  • Barlinn K, Rickmann H, Kitzler H, Krogias C, Strohm H, Abramyuk A, Barlinn J, Siepmann T, Rabahi A, Graehlert X, Schwanebeck U, Winzer S, Arnold S, Moennings P, Pallesen LP, Bodechtel U, Mudra H, Linn J, Reichmann H, Alexandrov AV, Gahn G, Weiss N, Puetz V. Validation of Multiparametric Ultrasonography Criteria with Digital Subtraction Angiography in Carotid Artery Disease: A Prospective Multicenter Study. Ultraschall Med. 2018 Oct;39(5):535-543.

  • Pallesen LP, Lambrou D, Eskandari A, Barlinn J, Barlinn K, Reichmann H, Dunet V, Maeder P, Puetz V, Michel P. Perfusion computed tomography in posterior circulation stroke: predictors and prognostic implications of focal hypoperfusion. Eur J Neurol. 2018 May;25(5):725-731.

  • Penzlin AI, Barlinn K, Illigens BM, Weidner K, Siepmann M, Siepmann T. Effect of short-term heart rate variability biofeedback on long-term abstinence in alcohol dependent patients - a one-year follow-up. BMC Psychiatry. 2017 Sep 6;17(1):325.

  • Riediger C, Schuster T, Barlinn K, Maier S, Weitz J, Siepmann T. Adverse Effects of Antidepressants for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Front Neurol. 2017 Jul 14;8:307.

  • Barlinn J, Gerber J, Barlinn K, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Zerna C, Wojciechowski C, Puetz V, von Kummer R, Reichmann H, Linn J, Bodechtel U. Acute endovascular treatment delivery to ischemic stroke patients transferred within a telestroke network: a retrospective observational study. Int J Stroke. 2017 Jul;12(5):502-509.

  • Siepmann T, Boardman H, Bilderbeck A, Griffanti L, Kenworthy Y, Zwager C, McKean D, Francis J, Neubauer S, Yu GZ, Lewandowski AJ, Sverrisdottir YB, Leeson P. Long-term cerebral white and gray matter changes after preeclampsia. Neurology. 2017 Mar 28;88(13):1256-1264.

  • Siepmann T, Barlinn K, Floegel T, Barlinn J, Pallesen LP, Puetz V, Kitzler HH. CT Angiography Manual Multiplanar Vessel Diameter Measurement vs. Semiautomated Perpendicular Area Minimal Caliber Computation of Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis. Front Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Dec 9;8:740237.

    •  Alemseged F, Ng FC, Williams C, Puetz V, Boulouis G, Kleinig TJ, Rocco A, Wu TY, Shah D, Arba F, Kaiser D, Di Giuliano F, Morotti A, Sallustio F, Dewey HM, Bailey P, O'Brien B, Sharma G, Bush S, Dowling R, Diomedi M, Churilov L, Yan B, Parsons MW, Davis SM, Mitchell PJ, Yassi N, Campbell BCV; BATMAN study group and EXTEND IA TNK study group. Tenecteplase vs Alteplase Before Endovascular Therapy in Basilar Artery Occlusion. Neurology. 2021 Mar 2;96(9):e1272-e1277.
    • Simon E, Forghani M, Abramyuk A, Winzer S, Wojciechowski C, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K, Barlinn J. Intravenous Thrombolysis by Telestroke in the 3- to 4.5-h Time Window. Front Neurol. 2021 Nov 26;12:756062.
    • Kaiser D, Laske K, Winzer R, Hädrich K, Wahl H, Krukowski P, Daubner D, Pallesen LP, Linn J, Puetz V, Gerber JC. Impact of thrombus surface on first pass reperfusion in contact aspiration and stent retriever thrombectomy. J Neurointerv Surg. 2021 Mar;13(3):221-225.
    • Eltemamy MA, Tamayo A, Altarsha E, Sedghi A, Pallesen LP, Barlinn J, Puetz V, Illigens BM, Barlinn K, Siepmann T. Cerebrovascular Risk Profiles in a Saudi Arabian Cohort of Young Stroke Patients. Front Neurol. 2021 Nov 12;12:736818.
    • Woranush W, Moskopp ML, Sedghi A, Stuckart I, Noll T, Barlinn K, Siepmann T. Preventive Approaches for Post-Stroke Depression: Where Do We Stand? A Systematic Review. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2021 Nov 19;17:3359-3377.
    • Zoetmulder R, Konduri PR, Obdeijn IV, Gavves E, Išgum I, Majoie CBLM, Dippel DWJ, Roos YBWEM, Goyal M, Mitchell PJ, Campbell BCV, Lopes DK, Reimann G, Jovin TG, Saver JL, Muir KW, White P, Bracard S, Chen B, Brown S, Schonewille WJ, van der Hoeven E, Puetz V, Marquering HA. Automated Final Lesion Segmentation in Posterior Circulation Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Deep Learning. Diagnostics (Basel). 2021 Sep 4;11(9):1621.
    • Tamayo A, Siepmann T. Regulation of Blood Flow in the Cerebral Posterior Circulation by Parasympathetic Nerve Fibers: Physiological Background and Possible Clinical Implications in Patients With Vertebrobasilar Stroke. Front Neurol. 2021 Oct 29;12:660373.
    •  Reiff T, Eckstein HH, Mansmann U, Jansen O, Fraedrich G, Mudra H, Böckler D, Böhm M, Brückmann H, Debus ES, Fiehler J, Mathias K, Ringelstein EB, Schmidli J, Stingele R, Zahn R, Zeller T, Niesen WD, Barlinn K, Binder A, Glahn J, Ringleb PA; SPACE-2 Investigators. Contralateral Stenosis and Echolucent Plaque Morphology are Associated with Elevated Stroke Risk in Patients Treated with Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis within a Controlled Clinical Trial (SPACE-2). J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2021 Sep;30(9):105940.
    • Woranush W, Sedghi A, Moskopp ML, Japtok J, Ziegler CG, Barlinn J, Mirow L, Noll T, Siepmann T. Effects of digitalized university curriculum-associated teaching on the equilibrium of autonomic neurophysiology and disposition of learners in medical school (EDUCATE-AND-LEARN): protocol for a randomized crossover study. Ann Med. 2021 Dec;53(1):1991-1998.
    • Trabitzsch A, Pleul K, Barlinn K, Franz V, Dengl M, Götze M, Güldner A, Eberlein-Gonska M, Albrecht DM, Hugo C. An Automated Electronic Screening Tool (DETECT) for the Detection of Potentially Irreversible Loss of Brain Function. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2021 Oct 15;118(41):683-690.
    • Herweh C, Abdalkader M, Nguyen TN, Puetz V, Schöne D, Kaiser D, Chen CH, Jeng JS, Möhlenbruch MA, Ringleb PA, Nagel S. Mechanical Thrombectomy in Isolated Occlusion of the Proximal Posterior Cerebral Artery. Front Neurol. 2021 Jul 29;12:697348.
    • Stuckart I, Siepmann T, Hartmann C, Pallesen LP, Sedghi A, Barlinn J, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Sertraline for Functional Recovery After Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Prospective Observational Study. Front Neurol. 2021 Oct 5;12:734170.
    • Puetz V, Strbian D, Nguyen TN, Nagel S. Editorial: Challenges in Posterior Circulation Ischemic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2021 Nov 17;12:789836.
    • Barlinn J, Winzer S, Worthmann H, Urbanek C, Häusler KG, Günther A, Erdur H, Görtler M, Busetto L, Wojciechowski C, Schmitt J, Shah Y0, Büchele B, Sokolowski P, Kraya T, Merkelbach S, Rosengarten B, Stangenberg-Gliss K, Weber J, Schlachetzki F, Abu-Mugheisib M, Petersen M, Schwartz A, Palm F, Jowaed A, Volbers B, Zickler P, Remi J, Bardutzky J, Bösel J, Audebert HJ, Hubert GJ, Gumbinger C. Telemedizin in der Schlaganfallversorgung – versorgungsrelevant für Deutschland. Der Nervenarzt, IF: 0,887
    • Siepmann T, Gruener C, Simon E, Sedghi A, Kitzler HH, Pallesen LP, Barlinn J, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Video-Oculography-Assisted Head Impulse Test and Caloric Testing for Detecting Stroke in Acute Vertigo Patients via Modified HINTS Plus. J Clin Med. 2021 Sep 28;10(19):4471.
    • Rahmig J, Akgün K, Simon E, Gawlitza M, Hartmann C, Siepmann T, Pallesen LP, Barlinn J, Puetz V, Ziemssen T, Barlinn K. Serum neurofilament light chain levels are associated with stroke severity and functional outcome in patients undergoing endovascular therapy for large vessel occlusion. J Neurol Sci. 2021 Oct 15;429:118063.
    • Mohamed MFH, Danjuma M, Mohammed M, Mohamed S, Siepmann M, Barlinn K, Suwileh S, Abdalla L, Al-Mohanadi D, Silva Godínez JC, Elzouki AN, Siepmann T. Myxedema Psychosis: Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2021 Aug 18;17:2713-2728.
    • Mohamed MFH, Danjuma M, Mohammed M, Mohamed S, Siepmann M, Barlinn K, Suwileh S, Abdalla L, Al-Mohanadi D, Silva Godínez JC, Elzouki AN, Siepmann T. Myxedema Psychosis: Systematic Review and Pooled Analysis. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2021 Aug 18;17:2713-2728.
    • Siepmann T, Ohle P, Sedghi A, Simon E, Arndt M, Pallesen LP, Ritschel G, Barlinn J, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Randomized Sham-Controlled Pilot Study of Neurocardiac Function in Patients With Acute Ischaemic Stroke Undergoing Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback. Front Neurol. 2021 May 26;12:669843.
    • Sporns PB, Kemmling A, Minnerup H, Meyer L, Krogias C, Puetz V, Thierfelder K, Duering M, Kaiser D, Langner S, Massoth C, Brehm A, Rotkopf L, Kunz WG, Karch A, Fiehler J, Heindel W, Schramm P, Royl G, Wiendl H, Psychogios M, Minnerup J. CT Hypoperfusion-Hypodensity Mismatch to Identify Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke Within 4.5 Hours of Symptom Onset. Neurology. 2021 Nov 23;97(21):e2088-e2095.
    •  Siepmann T, Barlinn K. Der Zusammenhang zwischen COVID-19 und Schlaganfall: Pathophysiologie und klinische Bedeutung [Association of COVID-19 and Stroke: Pathophysiology and Clinical Relevance]. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2021 Jun;89(6):289-295.
    •  Langezaal LCM, van der Hoeven EJRJ, Mont'Alverne FJA, de Carvalho JJF, Lima FO, Dippel DWJ, van der Lugt A, Lo RTH, Boiten J, Lycklama À Nijeholt GJ, Staals J, van Zwam WH, Nederkoorn PJ, Majoie CBLM, Gerber JC, Mazighi M, Piotin M, Zini A, Vallone S, Hofmeijer J, Martins SO, Nolte CH, Szabo K, Dias FA, Abud DG, Wermer MJH, Remmers MJM, Schneider H, Rueckert CM, de Laat KF, Yoo AJ, van Doormaal PJ, van Es ACGM, Emmer BJ, Michel P, Puetz V, Audebert HJ, Pontes-Neto OM, Vos JA, Kappelle LJ, Algra A, Schonewille WJ; BASICS Study Group. Endovascular Therapy for Stroke Due to Basilar-Artery Occlusion. N Engl J Med. 2021 May 20;384(20):1910-1920.
    • Struja T, Koch D, Haubitz S, Mueller B, Schuetz P, Siepmann T. Quality of life after hospitalization predicts one-year readmission risk in a large Swiss cohort of medical in-patients. Qual Life Res. 2021 Jul;30(7):1863-1871.
    • Hartmann C, Winzer S, Pallesen LP, Prakapenia A, Siepmann T, Moustafa H, Theilen H, Barlinn J, Gerber JC, Linn J, Reichmann H, Barlinn K, Puetz V. Inadvertent hypothermia after endovascular therapy is not associated with improved outcome in stroke due to anterior circulation large vessel occlusion. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Aug;28(8):2479-2487.
    •  Winzer S, Rickmann H, Kitzler H, Abramyuk A, Krogias C, Strohm H, Barlinn J, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Arnold S, Moennings P, Mudra H, Linn J, Reichmann H, Weiss N, Gahn G, Alexandrov A, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Ultrasonography Grading of Internal Carotid Artery Disease: Multiparametric German Society of Ultrasound in Medicine (DEGUM) versus Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (SRU) Consensus Criteria. Ultraschall Med. 2021 May 5.
    •  Barlinn K, Jakubicek S, Siepmann T, Chernyshev OY, Pallesen LP, Wienecke M, Hermann W, Graehlert X, Alexandrov AW, Vosko M, Puetz V, Reichmann H, Bodechtel U, Mikulik R, Barlinn J, Alexandrov AV. Autotitrating Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure in Large Vessel Steno-Occlusive Stroke Patients With Suspected Sleep Apnea: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Study. Front Neurol. 2021 Apr 13;12:667494.
    • Moustafa H, Schoene D, Altarsha E, Rahmig J, Schneider H, Pallesen LP, Prakapenia A, Siepmann T, Barlinn J, Passauer J, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Acute kidney injury in patients with malignant middle cerebral artery infarction undergoing hyperosmolar therapy with mannitol. J Crit Care. 2021 Aug;64:22-28.


  • Forscher der AG Schlaganfallforschung mit dem Paul Dudley White Award der American Heart Association ausgezeichnet LINK
  • Studienergebnisse der AG Schlaganfallforschung zum Zusammenhang von COVID-19 und erhöhtem Schlaganfallrisiko publiziert LINK
  • Schlaganfall-Nachsorge-Konzept des Dresdner Uniklinikums gewinnt MSD-Sonderpreis LINK

Team (EN)

Our stroke research group includes attending physicians, fellows, residents, doctoral candidates as well as study nurses at University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus. Our focus is on networking and collaborating with multidisciplinary research groups, both nationally and internationally.

Attending physicians

Platzhalter Bild

PD Dr. med. Jessica Barlinn, M.Sc.

  • Telestroke
  • Post-Stroke Care
  • Quality Control

Platzhalter Bild

Prof. Dr. med. Timo Siepmann, FAHA

  • Heart and Brain & Axis
  • Acute Therapy
  • Autonomic Nervous System
  • COVID-19 & Stroke
  • Pharmacotherapy

Platzhalter Bild

Prof. Dr. med. Volker Pütz, FESO

  • Acute therapy
  • Imaging + Ultrasound
  • Vertebrobasilar Circulation
  • Stroke Etiology
  • Clinical Trials

Platzhalter Bild

Prof. Dr. med. Kristian Barlinn, M.Sc., FESO

  • Neurointensive Care
  • COVID-19 & Stroke
  • Ultrasound

Dr. Lars-Peder Pallesen

Dr. med. Lars-Peder Pallesen, FESO

  • Stroke Etiology
  • Vertebrobasilar Circulation
  • Intracranial Hemorrhage

Fellows and residents

  • Eyad Altarsha
  • Martin Arndt
  • Dr. med. Univ. (Damaskus) Haidar Moustafa, M.Sc.
  • Dr. med. Jan Rahmig
  • Dr. med. Daniela Schöne
  • Luiz Schnekenberg
  • Dr. med. Annahita Sedghi
  • Erik Simon
  • Dr. med. Isabella Stuckart
  • Simon Winzer

Doctoral candidates

  • Alina Baumüller
  • Eva Bender
  • Norman Freigang
  • Stefan Zsigiri
  • Daniel Thierfelder
  • Christoph Bartels
  • Vivien Figura
  • Katharina Eder

Study Nurses

  • Kathrin Haase

Research Projects (EN)

  • Prospective validation of the DETECT tool
  • Randomized controlled Study of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback in Acute Ischaemic Stroke
  • Treatment stragies in acute central retinal artery occlusion
  • Temperature management after EVT
  • Effect of transoesophageal echocardiography findings (patent foramen ovale, fibrinous valvular) on stroke recurrence risk and treatment
  • Treatment strategies in basilar artery occlusion
  • Validation of HINTS-plus using videooculography
  • Best medical management vs. endovascular therapy in internal carotid artery  occlusion
  • Outcomes following therapeutic coma in patients with non-convulsive status epilepticus
  • Evidence-based stroke care during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • INCARE (“Intelligent Case Record”)
  • Randomized controlled Study of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback in Critical Illness Neuropathy

Site participation in ongoing clinical trials

    A Study on BMS-986177 for the Prevention of a Stroke in Patients Receiving Aspirin and Clopidogrel
  • PRESTIGE-AF        
    PREvention of STroke in Intracerebral haemorrhaGE Survivors With Atrial Fibrillation
  •  CHARM          
    Phase 3 Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous BIIB093 (Glibenclamide) for Severe Cerebral Edema Following Large Hemispheric Infarction
  • Intrepid     
    Impact of Fever Prevention in Brain Injured Patients
  • Clearance        
    Randomized comparison of interventional closure of the left atrialappendage using a LAA closure device versus oral anticoagulation therapy in patients with Non-valvular atrial fibrillation and status post intracranial bleeding
    A multicentre, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, parallel Group, singledose trial
    designed to determine the efficacy and safety of nerinetide in participants with acute ischemic stroke undergoing endovascular thrombectomy excluding thrombolysis.

Selected Publications (EN)

  • Siepmann T, Sedghi A, Simon E, Winzer S, Barlinn J, de With K, Mirow L, Wolz M, Gruenewald T, Schroettner P, von Bonin S, Pallesen LP, Rosengarten B, Schubert J, Lohmann T, Machetanz J, Spieth P, Koch T, Bornstein S, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Increased risk of acute stroke among patients with severe COVID-19: a multicenter study and meta-analysis. Eur J Neurol. 2021 Jan;28(1):238-247.
  • Lopes DG, Tamayo A, Schipp B, Siepmann T. Cost-effectiveness of edoxaban vs low-molecular-weight heparin and warfarin for cancer-associated thrombosis in Brazil. Thromb Res. 2020 Dec;196:4-10. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2020.08.014.
  • Barlinn K, Siepmann T, Pallesen LP, Winzer S, Sedghi A, Schroettner P, Hochauf-Stange K, Prakapenia A, Moustafa H, de With K, Linn J, Reichmann H, Barlinn J, Puetz V. Universal laboratory testing for SARS-CoV-2 in hyperacute stroke during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2020 Sep;29(9):105061.
  • Siepmann T, Sedghi A, Barlinn J, de With K, Mirow L, Wolz M, Gruenewald T, Helbig S, Schroettner P, Winzer S, von Bonin S, Moustafa H, Pallesen LP, Rosengarten B, Schubert J, Gueldner A, Spieth P, Koch T, Bornstein S, Reichmann H, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Association of history of cerebrovascular disease with severity of COVID-19. J Neurol. 2020 Aug 6:1–12.
  • Pallesen LP, Wagner J, Lambrou D, Braun S, Weise M, Prakapenia A, Barlinn J, Siepmann T, Winzer S, Moustafa H, Kitzler HH, Barlinn K, Reichmann H, Puetz V. Association of Hypertensive Intracerebral Hemorrhage with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on Transthoracic Echocardiography. J Clin Med. 2020 Jul 8;9(7):2148.
  • Krause F, Penzlin AI, Ritschel G, Barlinn K, Reichmann H, Weidner K, Siepmann M, Siepmann T. Randomized controlled three-arm study of NADA acupuncture for alcohol addiction. Addict Behav. 2020 Nov;110:106488. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2020.106488. Epub 2020 May 31. PMID: 32599496.
  • Pallesen LP, Winzer S, Barlinn K, Prakapenia A, Siepmann T, Gruener C, Gerber J, Haedrich K, Linn J, Barlinn J, Puetz V. Safety of inter-hospital transfer of patients with acute ischemic stroke for evaluation of endovascular thrombectomy. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 27;10(1):5655.
  • Moustafa H, Barlinn K, Prakapenia A, Winzer S, Gerber J, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Haedrich K, Wojciechowski C, Reichmann H, Linn J, Puetz V, Barlinn J. Endovascular therapy for anterior circulation large vessel occlusion in telestroke. J Telemed Telecare. 2019 Aug 7:1357633X19867193.
  • Prakapenia A, Gruener C, Winzer S, Barlinn J, Gerber J, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Moustafa H, Reichmann H, Linn J, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Misjudgment of pre-stroke functional status contradicts beneficial outcomes after endovascular therapy for large vessel occlusion. J Neurol. 2019 Aug;266(8):2060-2065.
  • Yousif D, Bellos I, Penzlin AI, Hijazi MM, Illigens BM, Pinter A, Siepmann T. Autonomic Dysfunction in Preeclampsia: A Systematic Review. Front Neurol. 2019 Aug 6;10:816.
  • Raming L, Moustafa H, Prakapenia A, Barlinn J, Gerber J, Theilen H, Siepmann T, Pallesen LP, Haedrich K, Winzer S, Reichmann H, Linn J, Puetz V, Barlinn K. Association of Anesthetic Exposure Time With Clinical Outcomes After Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2019 Jun 26;10:679.
  • Pallesen LP, Barlinn K, Puetz V. Role of Decompressive Craniectomy in Ischemic Stroke. Front Neurol. 2019 Jan 9;9:1119.
  • Prakapenia A, Barlinn K, Pallesen LP, Köhler A, Siepmann T, Winzer S, Barlinn J, Daubner D, Linn J, Reichmann H, Puetz V. Low Diagnostic Yield of Routine Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis in Juvenile Stroke. Front Neurol. 2018
  • Pacheco JT, Siepmann T, Barlinn J, Winzer S, Penzlin AI, Puetz V, von der Hagen M, Barlinn K. Safety and efficacy of recanalization therapy in pediatric stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Paediatr Neurol. 2018 Nov;22(6):1035-1041.
  • Barlinn K, Rickmann H, Kitzler H, Krogias C, Strohm H, Abramyuk A, Barlinn J, Siepmann T, Rabahi A, Graehlert X, Schwanebeck U, Winzer S, Arnold S, Moennings P, Pallesen LP, Bodechtel U, Mudra H, Linn J, Reichmann H, Alexandrov AV, Gahn G, Weiss N, Puetz V. Validation of Multiparametric Ultrasonography Criteria with Digital Subtraction Angiography in Carotid Artery Disease: A Prospective Multicenter Study. Ultraschall Med. 2018 Oct;39(5):535-543.
  • Pallesen LP, Lambrou D, Eskandari A, Barlinn J, Barlinn K, Reichmann H, Dunet V, Maeder P, Puetz V, Michel P. Perfusion computed tomography in posterior circulation stroke: predictors and prognostic implications of focal hypoperfusion. Eur J Neurol. 2018 May;25(5):725-731.
  • Penzlin AI, Barlinn K, Illigens BM, Weidner K, Siepmann M, Siepmann T. Effect of short-term heart rate variability biofeedback on long-term abstinence in alcohol dependent patients - a one-year follow-up. BMC Psychiatry. 2017 Sep 6;17(1):325.
  • Riediger C, Schuster T, Barlinn K, Maier S, Weitz J, Siepmann T. Adverse Effects of Antidepressants for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Front Neurol. 2017 Jul 14;8:307.
  • Barlinn J, Gerber J, Barlinn K, Pallesen LP, Siepmann T, Zerna C, Wojciechowski C, Puetz V, von Kummer R, Reichmann H, Linn J, Bodechtel U. Acute endovascular treatment delivery to ischemic stroke patients transferred within a telestroke network: a retrospective observational study. Int J Stroke. 2017 Jul;12(5):502-509.
  • Siepmann T, Boardman H, Bilderbeck A, Griffanti L, Kenworthy Y, Zwager C, McKean D, Francis J, Neubauer S, Yu GZ, Lewandowski AJ, Sverrisdottir YB, Leeson P. Long-term cerebral white and gray matter changes after preeclampsia. Neurology. 2017 Mar 28;88(13):1256-1264.


Media and Press Releases

  • American Heart Association gives  Paul Dudley White Award to Researchers of Dresden Stroke Research Group  LINK
  • Study of the Dresden Stroke Research Group  reveals increased risk of stroke in patients with COVID-19 LINK
  • Post Stroke Care Project of the Dresden Stroke Research Group  was awarded the MSD-price LINK

Arbeitsgruppe Schlaganfallforschung

Über uns

Die AG Schlaganfallforschung der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie am Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus beschäftigt sich mit wissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen, die zu einer Verbesserung des pathophysiologischen Verständnisses und der klinischen Versogung von Schlaganfallpatient*innen beitragen. Die AG ist an das Dresdner Neurovaskuläre Centrum und das neurovaskuläre Netzwerk SOS-NET angeschlossen und greift so auf die hochschulmedizinische Infrastruktur einer interdisziplinären, telemedizinisch vernetzten und integrativen Schlaganfallversorgung zurück.


  • Telemedizinische Schlaganfallversorgung
  • Schlaganfallnachsorge
  • Bildgebung und Akuttherapie
  • Neurointensivmedizinische Forschung
  • Psychopharmakologie und Schlaganfall
  • COVID-19 und Schlaganfall
  • Heart and Brain, autonome Funktionen
  • Ätiologiediagnostik


  • PD Dr. med. Jessica Barlinn, M.Sc.
  • Prof. Dr. med. Timo Siepmann, FAHA
  • Prof. Dr. med. Volker Pütz, FESO
  • Prof. Dr. med. Kristian Barlinn, M.Sc., FESO
  • Dr. med. Lars-Peder Pallesen, FESO

Unser Team

Die AG Schlaganfallforschung setzt sich aus Ärzt*innen, Wissenschaftlern, Doktorand*innen und Study Nurses des Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus zusammen. Die Vernetzung und Kooperationen mit anderen nationalen und internationalen Forschungseinrichtungen verschiedener Disziplinen steht im Fokus unserer Arbeit.


Platzhalter Bild

PD Dr. med. Jessica Barlinn, M.Sc.

  • Telestroke
  • Schlaganfallnachsorge
  • Qualitätssicherung

Platzhalter Bild

Prof. Dr. med. Timo Siepmann, FAHA

  • Heart and Brain & ANS
  • COVID-19 Stroke
  • Pharmakotherapie

Platzhalter Bild

Prof. Dr. med. Volker Pütz, FESO

  • Akuttherapie
  • Bildgebung + Ultraschall
  • Vertebrobasiläre Zirkulation
  • Ätiologiediagnostik
  • Klinische Studien

Platzhalter Bild

Prof. Dr. med. Kristian Barlinn, M.Sc., FESO

  • Neurointensivmedizin
  • COVID-19 Stroke
  • Ultraschall

Platzhalter Bild

Dr. med. Lars-Peder Pallesen, FESO

  • Ätiologiediagnostik
  • Vertebrobasiläre Zirkulation
  • Hirnblutungen

Assistenzärzt*innen/ Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen

  • Eyad Altarsha
  • Martin Arndt
  • Dr. med. Univ. (Damaskus) Haidar Moustafa, M.Sc.
  • Dr. med. Jan Rahmig
  • Dr. med. Daniela Schöne
  • Luiz Schnekenberg
  • Dr. med. Annahita Sedghi
  • Erik Simon
  • Dr. med. Isabella Stuckart
  • Simon Winzer


  • Alina Baumüller
  • Eva Bender
  • Norman Freigang
  • Stefan Zsigiri
  • Daniel Thierfelder
  • Christoph Bartels
  • Vivien Figura
  • Katharina Eder

Study Nurses

  • Kathrin Haase

Stroke Research Group (EN)

About us

The Stroke Research Group at the Department of Neurology at the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus aims to improve our understanding of the  pathophysiology of neurovascular disorders and contribute to innovation of stroke care. Our research group is associated with the Dresden Neurovascular Center and the neurovascular network SOS-NET, which comprises a multidisciplinary tertiary stroke center as well as large regional telestroke network.

Research Fields

  • Telestroke care                
  • Poststroke care                 
  • Acute stroke imaging and therapy                             
  • Neurointensive care research              
  • Psychopharmacology in stroke care               
  • COVID-19 and stroke                                          
  • Heart and Brain, autonomic nervous system                      
  • Etiology diagnostics