Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Trauma and post-traumatic disorders

The term post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) describes highly persistent mental and emotional stress as a result of injury or psychological shock e.g. by grave acts of violence, rape, accidents or natural disasters. Typical symptoms are for example: disturbance of sleep, re-experiencing (e.g. flashbacks, frightening thoughts), avoidance, arousal and distorted feelings.

Research group psychotraumatology and stress-research
The research group “Psychotraumatology and Stress-Research” concerns itself with biological correlates of disorders (such as the concentration of cortisol in hair, imagery techniques) as well as the investigation of diagnostic procedures (e.g. post-traumatic stress disorder and dissociative disorders) and therapeutic efficiency.

Research group public health system and eHealth in the context of trauma
The research group “health services research” address current issues of topics such as violence and traumatization and focuses on the transfer of scientific findings into clinical practice. Therefore, helpful tools that facilitate the management of symptoms are developed for usage in practice to improve the health care supply for those who are affected. Particular emphasis is put on interventions for domestic violence, psychosocial emergency care, combat-related disorders in service personnel and outpatient and trauma therapeutic health care approaches in Saxony (“Traumanetz Seelische Gesundheit”).

Head of research group

Dr. med. Julia Schellong

Head of research group
Phone: 0351 458-7092  


Julia Schellong studied medicine in Vienna and Graz (Austria) and is a chief senior physician and specialist in the field Psychiatry and Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis, Psychosomatic Medicine as well as trauma therapy (DeGPT, EMDR, IRRT). Her research focuses primarily on Psychotraumatology, health services and eHealth. One of her main goals is the interconnection of traumatherapists and complementary care providers in Saxony and beyond (Traumanetz Seelische Gesundheit).