Publikationen 2020
Ackerley R, Croy, I, Olausson H, Badre G. Investigating the Putative Impact of Odors Purported to Have Beneficial Effects on Sleep: Neural and Perceptual Processes. CHEMOSENS PERCEPT 2020; 13:93 - 105. doi:
Beiling P, Schmidt R, Höfler M, Keller A, Weidner K, Noack R. Differential Reflection of the Relationship between Therapeutic Alliance and Outcome in a Day Treatment Hospital Setting. PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED 2020; 70:292 - 299. doi:
Beßler R, Bendas J, Sailer U, Croy I. The "Longing for Interpersonal Touch Picture Questionnaire": Development of a new measurement for touch perception. INT J PSYCHOL 2020; 55:446 - 455. doi:
Beutler S, Daniels J.K, Laddis A. Do patients underestimate their symptoms in hindsight? An ambulatory assessment study on the frequency of dissociation in posttraumatic stress disorder. Frontiers in the Psychotherapy of Trauma and Dissociation 2020; 41:105 - 120. doi:
Bittner A, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Treichel T, Coenen A, Weidner K. Maladaptive personality styles in a clinical sample of women with postpartum depression. J AFFECT DISORDERS 2020; 263:318 - 325. doi:
Boehm I, Walton E, Alexander N, Batury VL, Seidel M, Geisler D, King JA, Weidner K, Roessner V, Ehrlich S. Peripheral serotonin transporter DNA methylation is linked to increased salience network connectivity in females with anorexia nervosa. J PSYCHIATR NEUROSCI 2020; 45:206 - 213. doi:
Bytomski A, Ritschel G, Bierling A, Bendas J, Weidner K, Croy I. Maternal stroking is a fine-tuned mechanism relating to C-tactile afferent activation: An exploratory study. Psychology & Neuroscience 2020; 13:149 - 157. doi:
Croy I, Ritschel G, Kreßner-Kiel D, Schäfer L, Hummel T, Havlí ek J, Sauter J, Ehninger G, Schmidt A.H. Marriage does not relate to major histocompatibility complex: a genetic analysis based on 3691 couples. P ROY SOC B-BIOL SCI 2020; 287:20201800. doi:
Croy I, Hummel T. Involvement of nasal trigeminal function in human stereo smelling. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 2020; 117:25979. doi:
Danioth L, Brotschi G, Croy I, Friedrich H, Caversaccio M.D, Negoias S. Multisensory environmental sensitivity in patients with chronic tinnitus. J PSYCHOSOM RES 2020; 135:110155. doi:
De Berrut S, Horacek U, Lennertz I, Paulus M, Sievers E, Thyen U, Trost-Brinhues G. Frühkindliche Gesundheit bei geflüchteten Kindern und ihren Familien fördern. Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V., München 2020.
Ehring T, Hofmann A, Kleim B, Liebermann P, Lotzin A, Maercker A, Neuner F, Reddemann O, Schäfer I, Schellong J. Psychotherapeutische Behandlung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung bei Erwachsenen. Trauma & Gewalt 2020; 14:92 - 100. doi:
Erim Y, Schellong J. Special issue flight and migration. J PSYCHOSOM RES 2020; 138:110260.
Garthus-Niegel S, Horsch A, Von Soest T, Haga, S.M, Drozd F, Ayers S, Eberhard-Gran M. Posttraumatic stress symptoms following childbirth: associations with prenatal attachment in subsequent pregnancies. ARCH WOMEN MENT HLTH 2020; 23:547 - 555. doi:
Han P, Croy I, Raue C, Bensafi M, Larsson M, Cavazzana A, Hummel T. Neural processing of odor-associated words: an fMRI study in patients with acquired olfactory loss. BRAIN IMAGING BEHAV 2020; 14:1164 - 1174. doi:
Hanko C, Bittner A, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Mogwitz S, Nitzsche K, Weidner K. Course of mental health and mother-infant bonding in hospitalized women with threatened preterm birth. ARCH GYNECOL OBSTET 2020; 301:119 - 128. doi:
Horsch A, Garthus-Niegel S. Posttraumatic stress disorder following childbirth. Routledge, Oxon 2020.
Kappelmann N, Suesse M, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Kaldewaij R, Browning M, Michael T, Rinck M, Reinecke A. D-cycloserine as adjunct to brief computerised CBT for spider fear: Effects on fear, behaviour, and cognitive biases. J BEHAV THER EXP PSY 2020; 68:101546. doi:
Karl M, Schaber R, Kress V, Kopp M, Martini J, Weidner K, Garthus-Niegel S. Precarious working conditions and psychosocial work stress act as a risk factor for symptoms of postpartum depression during maternity leave: results from a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Public Health 2020; 20:1505. doi:
King J.A, Bernardoni F, Geisler D, Ritschel F, Doose A, Pauligk S, Pásztor K, Weidner K, Roessner V, Smolka M.N, Ehrlich S. Intact value-based decision-making during intertemporal choice in women with remitted anorexia nervosa? An fMRI study. J PSYCHIATR NEUROSCI 2020; 45:108 - 116. doi:
Koeppel C J, Ruser P, Kitzler H, Hummel T, Croy I. Interoceptive accuracy and its impact on neuronal responses to olfactory stimulation in the insular cortex. HUM BRAIN MAPP 2020; 41:2898 - 2908. doi:
Krause F, Penzlin A I, Ritschel G, Barlinn K, Reichmann H, Weidner K, Siepmann M, Siepmann T. Randomized controlled three-arm study of NADA acupuncture for alcohol addiction. ADDICT BEHAV 2020; 110:106488. doi:
Lapp HS, Sabatowski R, Weidner K,Croy, I, Gossrau G. C-tactile touch perception in migraineurs - a case-control study. CEPHALALGIA 2020; 40:478 - 492. doi:
Leichsenring F, Steinert C, Beutel M E, Feix L, Gündel H, Hermann A, Karabatsiakis A, Knaevelsrud C, König H H, Kolassa I T, Kruse J, Niemeyer H, Nöske F, Palmer S, Peters E, Reese J P, Reuss A, Salzer S, Schade-Brittinger C, Schuster P, Stark R, Weidner K, Von Wietersheim J, Witthöft M, Wöller W, Hoyer J. Trauma-focused psychodynamic therapy and STAIR Narrative Therapy of post-traumatic stress disorder related to childhood maltreatment: trial protocol of a multicentre randomised controlled trial assessing psychological, neurobiological and health economic outcomes (ENHANCE). BMJ OPEN 2020; 10:e040123. doi:
Lennertz I, Leuzinger-Bohleber M. Traumatisierungen von Kindern in Folge von Flucht und Vertreibung. Verlag Barbara Budrich, Leverkusen, Berlin 2020.
Martini J, Beesdo-Baum K, Garthus-Niegel S, Wittchen HU. The course of panic disorder during the peripartum period and the risk for adverse child development: A prospective-longitudinal study. J AFFECT DISORDERS 2020; 266:722 - 730. doi:
Möschl M, Fischer R, Bugg JM, Scullin MK, Goschke T, Walser M. Aftereffects and deactivation of completed prospective memory intentions: A systematic review. PSYCHOL BULL 2020; 146:245 - 278. doi:
Mulfinger N, Lampl J, Dinkel A, Weidner K, Beutel M E, Jarczok M N, Hildenbrand G, Kruse J, Seifried-Dübon T, Junne F, Beschoner P, Gündel H. Psychische Belastungen durch Epidemien bei Beschäftigten im Gesundheitswesen und Implikationen für die Bewältigung der Corona-Krise: eine Literaturübersicht. Z PSYCHOSOM MED PSYC 2020; 66:220 - 242. doi:
Noack R, Eckelt T, Scharoba J, Hoferichter E, Jacobi F, Weidner K, Hoyer J. Psychotherapeutische Fernbegleitung von Expositionstherapie bei Angststörungen mittels Smart Glass: Praktikabilitäts- und Akzeptanzevaluation. VERHALTENSTHERAPIE 2020; 30:293 - 303. doi:
Pabel L, Bilz L, Schellong J. Die therapeutische Krisensprechstunde für Geflüchtete in Dresdner Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen. Trauma & Gewalt 2020; 14:237 - 243. doi:
Pabel L, Murr J, Weidner K, Hummel T, Croy I. Null Effect of Olfactory Training With Patients Suffering From Depressive Disorders-An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. FRONT PSYCHIATRY 2020; 11:593. doi:
Petrowski K, Wichmann S, Pyrc J, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Kirschbaum C. Hair cortisol predicts avoidance behavior and depressiveness after first-time and single-event trauma exposure in motor vehicle crash victims. STRESS 2020; 23:567 - 576. doi:
Quinlivan J, Rowe H, Wischmann T, Thomson G, Stuijfzand S, Horsch A, Bittner A, Lennertz I, Takamatsu K, Benyamini Y, Tschudin S. Setting the global research agenda in psychosocial aspects of women's health - outcomes from ISPOG world conference at The Hague. J PSYCHOSOM OBST GYN 2020; 41:1 - 4. doi:
Rataj E, Garthus-Niegel S. Auswirkungen extremer Wetterereignisse auf die psychische Gesundheit – eine Erörterung von Effekten im Globalen Süden. Public Health Forum 2020; 28:65 - 67. doi:
Reddemann O, Schellong J, Lueger-Schuster B, Frommberger U, Liebermann P, Köllner V. Versorgungskonzepte und Versorgungsrealität bei Menschen mit Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung. Trauma & Gewalt 2020; 14:144 - 157. doi:
Ree A, Bendas J, Pabel L, Croy, I, Sailer U. Right between the eyes: Corrugator muscle activity tracks the changing pleasantness of repeated slow stroking touch. PHYSIOL BEHAV 2020; 222:112903. doi:
Sailer U, Hausmann M, Croy I. Pleasantness Only? EXP PSYCHOL 2020; 67:224 - 236. doi:
Schaber R, Karl M, Kopp M, Kress V, Weidner K, Martini J, Garthus-Niegel S. My job, my child, my house: the predictive value of job- and housework-related factors on depressive symptoms during the postpartum period. J AFFECT DISORDERS 2020; 272:388 - 397. doi:
Schäfer L, Sorokowska A, Sauter J, Schmidt A H, Croy I. Body odours as a chemosignal in the mother-child relationship: new insights based on an human leucocyte antigen-genotyped family cohort. PHILOS T R SOC B 2020; 375:20190266. doi:
Schäfer L, Sorokowska A, Weidner K, Croy I. Children's Body Odors: Hints to the Development Status. FRONT PSYCHOL 2020; 11:320. doi:
Schäfer I, Ehring T, Knaevelsrud C, Maercker A, Michael T, Schellong J. Diagnostik und Behandlung der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung. Empfehlungen der neuen S3-Leitlinie. PSYCHOTHERAPEUT 2020; 65:521 - 532. doi:
Schellong J.Covid-19-Pandemie: Das macht sie mit der Psyche. MMW Fortschr Med 2020; 162:11. doi:
Schellong J. Häusliche Gewalt und Opferschutz in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2020.
Schellong J. Versorgung von Gewaltbetroffenen im Gesundheitswesen. Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2020.
SchellongJ, Frommberger U, Liebermann P, Bering R, Schäfer I. Pharmakotherapeutische Behandlung der Posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung. Trauma & Gewalt 2020; 14:102 - 111. doi:
Schellong J. Mehr Beachtung der PTBS bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Der Neurologe & Psychiater 2020; 21:19 - 22. doi:
Schindler L, Stalder T, Kirschbaum C, Plessow F, Schönfeld S, Hoyer J, Trautmann S, Steudte-Schmiedgen S. Cognitive functioning in posttraumatic stress disorder before and after cognitive-behavioral therapy. J ANXIETY DISORD 2020; 74:102265. doi:
Schmalbach I, Herhaus B, Pässler S, Runst S, Berth H, Wolff-Stephan S, Petrowski K. Cortisol reactivity in patients with anorexia nervosa after stress induction. TRANSL PSYCHIAT 2020; 10:275. doi:
Sorokowski P, Oleszkiewicz A, Sorokowska A, Pisanski K. Human height preferences as a function of population size in the Cook Islands and Norway. AM J HUM BIOL 2020; 32:e23367. doi:
Strauss T, Bytomski A, Croy I. The Influence of Emotional Closeness on Interindividual Touching. J NONVERBAL BEHAV 2020; 44:351 - 362. doi:
Tam F I, Seidel M, Boehm I, Ritschel F, Bahnsen K, Biemann R, Weidner K, Roessner V, Ehrlich S. Peptide YY(3-36) concentration in acute- and long-term recovered anorexia nervosa. EUR J NUTR 2020; 59:3791 - 3799. doi:
Thiel F, Iffland L, Drozd F, Haga S M, Martini J, Weidner K, Eberhard-Gran M, Garthus-Niegel S. Specific relations of dimensional anxiety and manifest anxiety disorders during pregnancy with difficult early infant temperament: a longitudinal cohort study. ARCH WOMEN MENT HLTH 2020; 23:535 - 546. doi:
Walter K.V, Conroy-Beam D, Buss D.M, Asao K, Sorokowska A, Sorokowski P, Aavik T, Akello G, Alhabahba M.M, Alm C, Amjad N, Anjum A, Atama C.S, Atamtürk Duyar D, Ayebare R, Batres C, Bendixen M, Bensafia A, Bizumic B, Boussena M, Butovskaya M, Can S, Cantarero K, Carrier A, Cetinkaya H, Croy I, Cueto R.M, Czub M, Dronova D, Dural S, Duyar I, Ertugrul, B, Espinosa A, Estevan I, Esteves C.S, Fang L, Frackowiak T, Garduño J.C, González K.U, Guemaz F, Gyuris P, Halamová M, Herak I, Horvat M, Hromatko I, Hui C.M, Jaafar J.L, Jiang F, Kafetsios K, Kav i T, Kennair L.E.O, Kervyn N, Khanh Ha T.T, Khilji I.A, Köbis N.C, Lan H.M, Láng A, Lennard G.R, León E, Lindholm T, Linh T.T, Lopez G, Van Luot N, Mailhos A, Manesi Z, Martinez R, McKerchar S.L, Meskó N, Misra G, Monaghan C, Mora E.C, Moya-Garófano A, Musil B, Natividade J.C, Niemczyk A, Nizharadze G, Oberzaucher E, Oleszkiewicz A, Omar-Fauzee M.S, Onyishi I.E, Özener B, Pagani A.F, Pakalniskiene V, Parise M, Pazhoohi F, Pisanski A, Pisanski K, Ponciano E, Popa C, Prokop P, Rizwan M, Sainz M, Salki evi S, Sargautyte R, Sarmány-Schuller I, Schmehl S, Sharad S, Siddiqui R.S, Simonetti, F, Stoyanova S.Y, Tadinac M, Varella M.A.C, Vauclair C M, Vega L D, Widarini D A, Yoo G, Zat'ková M,Zupan i M. Sex Differences in Mate Preferences Across 45 Countries: A Large-Scale Replication. PSYCHOL SCI 2020; 31:408 - 423. doi:
Weidner K, Bittner A, Beutel M, Goeckenjan M, Brähler E, Garthus-Niegel S. The role of stress and self-efficacy in somatic and psychological symptoms during the climacteric period - Is there a specific association? MATURITAS 2020; 136:1 - 6. doi:
Weidner K, Bittner A, Coenen A, Junge-Hoffmeister J. Behandlung von Frauen und Familien mit peripartalen psychischen Erkrankungen. Ärzteblatt Sachsen 2020; 8:19 - 21.
Wintermann GB, Weidner K, Strauss B, Rosendahl J. Single assessment of delirium severity during postacute intensive care of chronically critically ill patients and its associated factors: post hoc analysis of a prospective cohort study in Germany. BMJ OPEN 2020; 10:e035733.
Wöller W, Lampe A , Mattheß H, Schellong J, Leichsenring F, Kruse J. Psychodynamische Therapie der komplexen posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung. Ein Manual zur Behandlung nach Kindheitstrauma. (1. ) Schattauer, Stuttgart 2020.
Zou L.Q, Vogt O, Schriever V.A, Croy I, Schaal B, Hummel T. Decreasing prevalence of specific anosmia to non-steroid odorants from childhood to adolescence. PHYSIOL BEHAV 2020; 218:112833.