Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Publikationen 2022

Ackermann T, Schellong J. Gewalt gegen Frauen und Mädchen mit Behinderung. Ärzteblatt Sachsen 2022; 10:8-9.

Allocca C, Jilali S, Ail R, Lee J, Kim B, Antonini A, Motta E, Schellong J, Stieler L, Haleem M, Georga E, Pecchia L, Gaeta E, Fico G. Towards a Symbolic AI Approach to the WHO/ACSM Physical Activity & Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines. Applied Sciences 2022; 12(4):1776. doi:

Bahnsen K, Bernardoni F, King JA, Geisler D, Weidner K, Roessner V, Patel Y, Paus T, Ehrlich S.  Dynamic Structural Brain Changes in Anorexia Nervosa: A Replication Study, Mega-Analysis and Virtual Histology Approach. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2022; 61(9):1168-1181. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2022.03.026

Bergunde L, Garthus-Niegel S, Alexander N, Steudte-Schmiedgen S. Perinatal mental health research: towards an integrative biopsychosocial approach. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 2022; 40(4):325-328. doi:

Beschoner P, Jarczok MN, Kempf M, Weimer K, Geiser F, Hiebel N, Erim Y, Morawa E, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Albus C, Jerg-Bretzke L. egePan-VOICE study on the psychosocial burden of the Covid-19 pandemic among - medical technical assistants. Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 2022; 68(3):250 - 268. doi:

Beutler S, Ladner LR, Hummel T, Croy I. A new method for a shorter and valid assessment of olfactory threshold in repeated measurement designs based on the Sniffin’ Sticks test. Chemosensory Perception 2022; 15:26–34. doi:

Beutler S, Mertens Y,  Ladner I, Schellong J, Croy I, Daniels J. Trauma-related dissociation and the autonomic nervous system: A systematic literature review of psychophysiological correlates of dissociative experiencing in PTSD patients. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2022, 13:2132599. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2022.2132599

Borusiak P, Mazheika Y, Bauer S, Haberlandt E, Krois I, Fricke C, Simon L, Beschoner P, Jerg-Bretzke L, Geiser F, Hiebel N, Weidner K, Albus C, Morawa E, Erim Y. The impact of Covid-19-pandemia to pediatric developmental services: resources and burden from the employees point of view. Arch Public Health 2022; 80(1):113. doi: 10.1186/s13690-022-00876-5

Brym S, Schmiedgen S, Weise V, Mack J, Kopp M, Garthus-Niegel S. Mental health of working parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: Can resilience buffer the impact of psychosocial work stress on depressive symptoms? BMC Public Health 2022; 22:2426. doi:

Deen A, Biedermann SV, Lotzin A, Krüger-Gottschalk A, Dyer A, Knaevelsrud C, Rau H, Schellong J, Ehring T, Schäfer I. The dissociative subtype of PTSD in a German sample of trauma-exposed individuals:  A latent class analysis and examination of clinical covariates. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2022; 13(1):2031591. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2022.2031591

Frohberg J, Bittner A, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K. Early abusive relationships - Influence of different maltreatment types on postpartum psychopathology and mother-infant bonding in a clinical sample. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022; 13: 836368. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.836368

Fryszer L, Buettner M, Etzold S, Muetzel E, Rall K, Schellong J, David M. Empfehlungen zur Betreuung und Versorgung von weiblichen mutmaßlich Stuprum-Betroffenen. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 2022; 82(4):384-391. doi: 10.1055/a-1687-9584

Hannemann J, Abdalrahman A, Erim Y, Morawa E, Beschoner P, Jerg-Bretzke L, Geiser F, Hiebel F, Weidner K, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Albus C. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of medical staff considering the interplay of pandemic burden and psychosocial resources – a rapid systematic review. PLoS One 2022; 17(2):e0264290. doi: 

Herhaus B, Siepmann M, Kahaly GJ, Conrad R, Petrowski K. Effect of a Biofeedback Intervention on Heart Rate Variability in Individuals With Panic Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychosomatic Medicine 2022; 84(2):199-209. doi: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001031

Hirt AR, Croy I, Joraschky P, Kreßner-Kiel D, Schellong J, Wolff S, Keller A, Hansske A, Noack R, Schilling C, Coenen A, Weidner K. Effektivität stationärer und teilstationärer psychosomatisch-psychotherapeutischer Behandlung. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie 2022; 72(05): 179-188 doi: 10.1055/a-1559-4359

Junge-Hoffmeister J, Bittner A, Garthus-Niegel S, Goeckenjan M, Martini J, Weidner K. Subjective birth experience predicts mother-infant bonding difficulties in women with mental disorders. Frontiers in global women's health 2022; 3:812055. doi:

Karl M, Weidner K, Croy I. Burnout oder Depression? Erfahrungen aus der Burnout-Sprechstunde in der Hochschulambulanz. Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie 2022; 72(09): 410-417. doi: 10.1055/a-1770-4571

Krüger-Gottschalk A, Ehring T, Knaevelsrud C, Dyer A, Schäfer I, Schellong J, Rau H, Köhler K. Confirmatory factor analysis of the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-5) based on DSM-5 vs. ICD-11 criteria. Eur J Psychotraumatol. 2022; 13(1):2010995. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2021.2010995

Lenk M, Noack B, Weidner K, Lorenz K. Psychopathologies and socioeconomic status as risk indicators for periodontitis: A survey-based investigation in German dental practices. Clinical oral investigations 2022; 26(3):2853-2862. doi:

Martini J, Asselmann E, Weidner K, Knappe S, Rosendahl J, Garthus-Niegel S. Prospecitve associations of lifetime post-traumatic stress disorder and birth-related traumatization with maternal and infant outcomes. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022; 13: 842410.  doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.842410

Püschel I, Reichert J, Friedrich Y, Bergander J, Weidner K, Croy I. Gentle as a mother's touch: C-tactile touch promotes autonomic regulation in preterm infants. Physiol. Behav 2022; 257:113991. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2022.113991

Reinecke KCH, Joraschky P,  Lausberg H. Hand movements that change during psychotherapy and their relation to therapeutic outcome: An analysis of individual and simultaneous movements. Psychotherapy Research; 32(1):117-127. doi: 10.1080/10503307.2021.1925989

Renner V, Joraschky P,  Kirschbaum C, Schellong J, Petrowski K. Pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin-6 and Interleukin-10 predict therapy outcome of female patients with posttraumatic stress disorder. Translational Psychiatry 2022; 12(1):472. doi: 10.1038/s41398-022-02230-3 

Renner V, Schellong J, Bornstein S, Petrowski K. Stress-induced pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine concentrations in female PTSD and depressive patients. Translational Psychiatry 2022; 12(1):158. doi: 10.1038/s41398-022-01921-1

Sack M, Sachsse U, Schellong J (Hrsg.): Komplexe Traumafolgestörungen. Diagnostik und Behandlung von Folgen schwerer Gewalt und Vernachlässigung. 2. Auflage. Schattauer Klett-Cotta, Stuttgart 2022.

Schäflein E, Mertens YL, Lejko N,  Beutler S, Sattel H, Sack M. Altered frontal electroencephalography as a potential correlate of acute dissociation in dissociative disorders: novel findings from a mirror confrontation study. BJPsych Open; 8(6):e196. doi:

Schälicke S, Garthus-Niegel S, Bergunde L, Weidner K, Kirschbaum C, Schumacher S, Soest TV, Karl M, Junge-Hoffmeiser J, Weise V, Steudte-Schmiedgen S. Hair glucocorticoids in the context of trauma exposure and their predictive value for the development of childbirth-related posttraumatic stress symptoms. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2022; in press.

Schellong J. Traumaambulanzen nach OEG/SGB XIV im Versorgungsnetzwerk. Trauma - Zeitschrift für Psychotraumatologie und ihre Anwendungen 2022, 3:62-73. 

Schellong J, Brenssell A, Arbeitskreis Frauengesundheit in Medizin, Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft e.V. Positionspapier "Gemeinsam die psychische Gesundheit gewaltbetroffener Frauen stärken", 2022.

Schellong J, Epple F, Lorenz P, Ritschel G, Croy I, Lenk M, Maertens G, Böhm U, Weidner K. Häusliche Gewalt und Partnerschaftsgewalt ‒ eine Herausforderung im Gesundheitssektor. Ergebnis einer landesweiten Ärztebefragung. Psychiatrische Praxis 2022, 49:359-366.  doi:10.1055/a-1630-4619

Schellong J, Schützwohl M, Lorenz P, Trautmann S. Diagnostics and differential diagnostics. In: Maercker A (Ed.). Trauma Sequelae. Springer Nature, 2022. E-Book: doi:

Schug C, Erim Y, Geiser F, Hiebel N, Beschoner P, Jerg-Bretzke L, Albus C, Weidner K, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Borho A, Lieb M, Morawa E. Impfbereitschaft zur COVID-19 von Beschäftigten im Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland. Befragungsergebnisse aus dem Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM), November 2020 und Januar 2021. Bundesgesundheitsblatt 2022; 65:74-85. doi: 

Schug C, Geiser F, Hiebel N, Beschoner P, Jerg-Bretzke L, Albus C, Weidner K, Morawa E, Erim Y. Sick leave and intention to quit the job among nursing staff in German hospitals during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 10:1947. doi:

Schmuck J, Hiebel N, Kriegsmann-Rabe M, Schneider J, Matthias J-K, Erim Y, Morawa E, Jerg-Bretzke L, Beschoner P, Albus C, Weidner K, Radbruch L, Hauschildt E, Geiser F. Individual stress burden and mental health in health care workers during the Covid-19 pandemic: Moderating and mediating effects of resilience. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19(11):6545. doi:

Seefeld L, Buyukcan-Tetik A, Garthus-Niegel S. The transition to parenthood: perspectives of relationship science theories and methods. Journal of reproductive and infant psychology 2022; 40(2):105-107. doi: 10.1080/02646838.2022.2039864

Seefeld L, Weise V, Kopp M, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S. Birth Experience Mediates the Association Between Fear of Childbirth and Mother-Child-Bonding Up to 14 Months Postpartum: Findings From the Prospective Cohort Study DREAM. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022; 12:776922. doi:

Seefeld L, Mojahed A, Thiel F, Schellong J, Garthus-Niegel S. Preferences and barriers to counselling for and treatment of intimate partner violence, depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder among postpartum women: Study protocol of the cross-sectional study INVITE. Frontiers in Psychiatry 2022; 13:836350. doi:

Siepmann M,Weidner K, Petrowski K, Siepmann T. Heart rate variability – a measure of cardiovascular health and possible therapeutic target in dysautonomic and mental and neurological disorders. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 2022; 47:273-287. doi:

Sommer M, Knappe S, Garthus-Niegel S, Weidner K, Martini J. Die Bedeutung peripartaler mütterlicher Angst- und depressiver Störungen für die frühkindliche Entwicklung: Ergebnisse einer prospektiv-longitudinalen Studie. Kindheit und Entwicklung 2022; 31(3):136-143. doi:

Sorokowska A, Saluja S, Kafetsios K, Croy I. Interpersonal distancing preferences, touch behaviors to strangers, and country-level early dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 spread. American Psychologist 2022; 77(1):124-134. doi: 10.1037/amp0000919

Stefanovic M, Wittekind C, Kleim B, Rohde J, Krüger-Gottschalk A, Knaevelsrud C, Rau H, Schäfer I, Schellong J, Dyer A, Takano K, Ehring T. Comparing PTSD Symptom Networks in Type I vs. Type II Trauma Survivors. European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2022; 13:2, 2114260. doi: 10.1080/20008066.2022.2114260

Strauss B, Altmann U, Schönherr D, Schurig S, Shingh S, Petrowski K. Is there an elephant in the room? A study of convergences and divergences of adult attachment measures commonly used in clinical studies. Psychotherapy Research 2022; 32(6):695-709. doi:

Tam F, Chocholi I, Hellerhoff IS, Kloepfer M, Weidner K, Roessner V, Mirtschink P, Poitz D, Ehrlich S. Liver and vitamin B-parameters in patients with anorexia nervosa before and after short-term weight restoration. Psychiatry Research 2022; 314:114673. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114673

Thiel F, Büechl VCS, Rehberg F, Mojahed A, Daniels JK, Schellong J, Garthus-Niegel S. Changes in Prevalence and Severity of Domestic Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review. Front Psychiatry. 2022; 13:874183. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.874183 

Weidner K, Friederich HC. Symposium zur Ausbildung Psychologischer Psychotherapeut*innen - Chancen und Risiken für die Psychosomatische Medizin. Ärztliche Psychotherapie und Psychosomatische Medizin 2022; 17(2):141-142. doi: 10.21706/aep-17-2-139

Winter C, Junge-Hoffmeister J, Bittner A, Gerstner I, Weidner K. Planned place of birth – influence of psychopathological factors and effects on postpartum psychological adaption: a longitudinal study. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2022; 11(2):292. doi:

Wintermann G-B, Bierling AL, Peters EMJ, Abraham S, Beissert S, Weidner K. Childhood Trauma and Psychosocial Stress Affect Treatment Outcome in Patients With Psoriasis Starting a New Treatment Episode. Front. Psychiatry 2022; 13:848708. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.848708

Wintermann G-B, Noack R, Steudte-Schmiedgen S, Weidner K. Cortisol response under low intensity exercise during cognitive-behavioral therapy is associated with therapy outcome in Panic Disorder – an exploratory study. Plos One 2022; 17(9):e0273413. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0273413