Publikationen Falko Tesch
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Schmitt, J., Ehm, F., Vivirito, A., Wende, D., Batram, M., Loser, F., Menzer, S., Ludwig, M., Roessler, M., Seifert, M., Konig, C., Schulte, C., Buschmann, T., Hertle, D., Ballesteros, P., Bassler, S., Bertele, B., Bitterer, T., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Kind, B., Abraham, S., Tesch, F. Large cohort study shows increased risk of developing atopic dermatitis after COVID-19 disease. Allergy, 2024. 79(1): 232-234.
Foo, J.C., Redler, S., Forstner, A.J., Basmanav, F.B., Pethukova, L., Guo, J., Streit, F., Witt,S.H., Sirignano, L., Zillich, L., Awasthi, S., Ripke, S., Christiano, A.M., Tesch, F., Schmitt, J., Nöthen, M.M., Betz, R.C., Rietschel, M., Frank, J. Exploring the overlap between alopecia areata and major depressive disorder: Epidemiological and genetic perspectives. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Jan 25.
Graf, L., Tesch, F., Grasser, F., Harst, L., Siegels, D., Schmitt, J., Abraham, S. Acceptance of a digital therapy recommender system for psoriasis. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak, 2023. 23(1): 150.
Jacob, J., Tesch, F., Wende, D., Batram, M., Loser, F., Weidinger, O., Roessler, M., Seifert, M., Risch, L., Nagel, O., König, C., Jucknewitz, R., Treskova-Schwarzbach, M., Hertle, D., Scholz, S., Stern, S., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Repschläger, U., Richter, N., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Schramm, A., Schulte, C., Walker, J., Schmitt, J. Development of a risk score to identify patients at high risk for a severe course of COVID-19. Z Gesundh Wiss. 2023 Mar 22:1-10. doi: 10.1007/s10389-023-01884-7. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37361269; PMCID: PMC10032626.
Richter T, Tesch F, Schmitt J, Koschel D, Kolditz M. Validation of the qSOFA and CRB-65 in SARS-CoV-2-infected community-acquired pneumonia. ERJ Open Res. 2023 Jun 19;9(3):00168-2023. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00168-2023. PMID: 37337510;
Schmitt J, Ehm F, Vivirito A, Wende D, Batram M, Loser F, Menzer S, Ludwig M, Roessler M, Seifert M, König C, Schulte C, Buschmann T, Hertle D, Ballesteros P, Baßler S, Bertele B, Bitterer T, Riederer C, Sobik F, Kind B, Abraham S, Tesch F. Large cohort study shows increased risk of developing atopic dermatitis after COVID-19 disease. Allergy. 2023 Jul 20. doi: 10.1111/all.15827. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37469301.
Tesch F, Ehm F, Vivirito A, Wende D, Batram M, Loser F, Menzer S, Jacob J, Roessler M, Seifert M, Kind B, König C, Schulte C, Buschmann T, Hertle D, Ballesteros P, Baßler S, Bertele B, Bitterer T, Riederer C, Sobik F, Reitzle L, Scheidt-Nave C, Schmitt J. Incident autoimmune diseases in association with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a matched cohort study. Clin Rheumatol. 2023 Jun 19. doi: 10.1007/s10067-023-06670-0. Epub ahead of print. Erratum in: Clin Rheumatol. 2023 Jul 5;
Tesch, F., Schmitt, J., Droge, P., Gunster, C., Seidler, A., Flechtenmacher, J., Lembeck, B., Kladny, B., Wirtz, D.C., Niethard, F.U., Lange, T. Socioeconomic differences in the utilization of diagnostic imaging and non-pharmaceutical conservative therapies for spinal diseases. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2023. 24(1): 774.
Tesch, F., Lange, T., Wirtz, C.D., Schmitt J. (2023) Kreuzschmerz: Konvergenz und Divergenz der Versorgung mit der Einführung der NVL Kreuzschmerz. In: Günster, C. et al. (eds.), Versorgungs-Report Leitlinien. Berlin: Medizinisch Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. DOI:
Bergmann, A., Petermann, H., Funck, S., Bothur, M., Flohrs, K. Tesch, F., Weidner, J., Riemenschneider, H. Antibiotikaverordnungen in der ambulanten hausärztlichen und gynäkologischen Versorgung in Sachsen am Beispiel unkomplizierter Zystitis - das Projekt AvoZyst. Spitzenforschung in der Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe 2022: 8-12.
Gräßer, F., Tesch, F., Schmitt, J., Abraham, S., Malberg, H., Zaunseder, S. A pharmaceutical therapy recommender system enabling shared decision-making. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2022.
Jacob, J., Walker, J., Swart, E., Baum, F., Rößler, M., Tesch, F., Walther, F., Wiegand, H.F., Ihle, P., Schmitt, J. (2022) Potentiale von und Empfehlungen zur Nutzung von GKV Routinedaten in einer pandemischen Versorgungslage – Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt egePan-Unimed des Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM) Das Gesundheitswesen. DOI: 10.1055/a-1915-4526
Roessler, R., Tesch, F., Batram, M., Jacob, J., Loser, F., Weidinger, O., Wende, D., Vivirito, A.,Toepfner, N. Ehm, F., Seifert, M., Nagel, O., König, C., Jucknewitz, R., Armann, J.P., Berner, R., Treskova-Schwarzbach, M., Hertle, D., Scholz, S., Stern, S., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Bertele, B., Repschläger, U., Richter, N., Riederer, C., Sobik, F., Schramm, A., Schulte, C., Wieler, L., Walker, J., Scheidt-Nave, C., Schmitt, J., Post-COVID-19-associated morbidity in children, adolescents, and adults: A matched cohort study including more than 157,000 individuals with COVID-19 in Germany. Plos Medicine
Tesch, F., Lange, T., Dröge, P., Günster, C., Flechtenmacher, J., Lembeck, B., Kladny, B., Wirtz, D.C., Niethard, F.U., Schmitt, J. Indication for spinal surgery: associated factors and regional differences in Germany. BMC Health Serv Res, 2022. 22(1): 1109.
Timpel, P., Tesch, F., Müller, G., Lang, C., Schmitt, J., et al. Versorgungssituation von Parkinson-Patienten in Sachsen. Nervenarzt (2022).
Georgi, U., Tesch, F., Schmitt, J., de With, K.
Impact of safety warnings for fluoroquinolones on prescribing behaviour. Results of a cohort study with outpatient routine data.
Infection, 2021. 49(3): 447-455.
Gräßer, F., Tesch, F., Schmitt, J., Abraham, S., Malberg, H., Zaunseder, S.
A pharmaceutical therapy recommender system enabling shared decision-making.
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 2021.
Rößler, M., Jacob, J., Risch, L., Tesch, F., Enders, D., Wende, D., Jucknewitz, R., Weidinger, O., Batram, M., Ballesteros, P., Baßler, S., Hertle, D., Repschläger, U., Richter, N., Schulte, C., Schramm, A., Sobik, F., Treskova-Schwarzbach, M., Scholz, S., Schmitt, J., Walker, J.
Hierarchisierung von Risikofaktoren für schwere COVID-19-Erkrankungsverläufe im Kontext der COVID-19-Schutzimpfungen – Eine gepoolte GKV-Routinedatenanalyse basierend auf 30 Mio. Versicherten.
Epid Bull, 2021. 19: 3-12.
Bosma, A.L., Spuls, P.I., Garcia-Doval, I., Naldi, L., Prieto-Merino, D., Tesch, F., Apfelbacher, C.J., Arents, B.W.M., Barbarot, S., Baselga, E., Deleuran, M., Eichenfield, L.F., Gerbens, L.A.A., Irvine, A.D., Manca, A., Mendes-Bastos, P., Middelkamp-Hup, M.A., Roberts, A., Seneschal, J., Svensson, A., Thyssen, J.P., Torres, T., Vermeulen, F.M., Vestergaard, C., von Kobyletzki, L.B., Wall, D., Weidinger, S., Schmitt, J., Flohr, C.
TREatment of ATopic eczema (TREAT) Registry Taskforce: protocol for a European safety study of dupilumab and other systemic therapies in patients with atopic eczema.
Br J Dermatol, 2020. 182(6): 1423-1429.
Fuhrmann, S., Tesch, F., Romanos, M., Abraham, S., Schmitt, J.
ADHD in school-age children is related to infant exposure to systemic H1-antihistamines.
Allergy, 2020. 75(11): 2956-2957.
Schmitt, J., Wustenberg, E., Kuster, D., Mucke, V., Serup-Hansen, N., Tesch, F.
The moderating role of allergy immunotherapy in asthma progression: Results of a population-based cohort study.
Allergy, 2020. 75(3): 596-602.
Zhao, T., Tesch, F., Markevych, I., Baumbach, C., Janssen, C., Schmitt, J., Romanos, M., Nowak, D., Heinrich, J.
Depression and anxiety with exposure to ozone and particulate matter: An epidemiological claims data analysis.
Int J Hyg Environ Health, 2020. 228: 113562.
Buske-Kirschbaum, A., Trikojat, K., Tesch, F., Schmitt, J., Roessner, V., Luksch, H., Rosen-Wolff, A., Plessow, F. (2019)
Altered hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis function: A relevant factor in the comorbidity of atopic eczema and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder?
Psychoneuroendocrinology 105: 178-186.
Kolditz, M., Schmitt, J., Pletz, M.W., Tesch, F. (2019)
Impact of the 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine on the Incidence of All-cause Pneumonia in Adults Aged >/=60 Years: A Population-based, Retrospective Cohort Study.
Clin Infect Dis 68(12): 2117-2119.
Datzmann, T., Markevych, I., Trautmann, F., Heinrich, J., Schmitt, J., Tesch, F. (2018)
Outdoor air pollution, green space, and cancer incidence in Saxony: a semi-individual cohort study.
BMC Public Health 18(1): 715.
Tesch, F., Hohendorf, L. (2018)
Do Changes in Bar Opening Hours Influence Violence in the Night? Evidence from 13 Bavarian Towns.
Journal of Drug Issues 48(2): 295-306.
Datzmann, T., Trautmann, F., Tesch, F., Mies, A., Hofbauer, L.C., Platzbecker, U., Schmitt, J. (2018)
Associations of myeloid hematological diseases of the elderly with osteoporosis: A longitudinal analysis of routine health care data.
Leuk Res 69: 81-86.
Kolditz, M., Schmitt, J., Pletz, M.W., Tesch, F. (2018)
Impact of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine on incidence and mortality after pneumonia in adults aged >/=60 years-a population-based retrospective cohort study.
Clin Microbiol Infect 24(5): 500-504.
Markevych, I., Tesch, F., Datzmann, T., Romanos, M., Schmitt, J., Heinrich, J. (2018)
Outdoor air pollution, greenspace, and incidence of ADHD: A semi-individual study.
Sci Total Environ 642: 1362-1368.
Motzek, T., Werblow, A., Tesch, F., Marquardt, G., Schmitt, J. (2018)
Determinants of hospitalization and length of stay among people with dementia - An analysis of statutory health insurance claims data.
Arch Gerontol Geriatr 76: 227-233.
Petzold, T., Tesch, F., Adler, J.B., Gunster, C., Niethard, F.U., Schmitt, J. (2018)
[10-year development of spine surgery in Germany - An analysis of health insurance funds data from 2005 to 2014].
Z Orthop Unfall 156 (3): 298-305.
Schmitt, J., Buske-Kirschbaum, A., Tesch, F., Trikojat, K., Stephan, V., Abraham, S., Bauer, A., Nemat, K., Plessow, F., Roessner, V. (2018)
Increased attention-deficit/hyperactivity symptoms in atopic dermatitis are associated with history of antihistamine use.
Allergy 73(3): 615-626.
Arnold, K., Druschke, D., Heinrich, L., Stephan, V., Tesch, F., Grählert, X., Swart, E., Rüdiger, M., Reichert, J., Schmitt, J. (2017)
Gezielte psychologisch-sozialmedizinische Frühgeborenenversorgung - Effekte in Bezug auf Lebensqualität, kindliche Entwicklung und Inanspruchnahme von Gesundheitsleistungen. Schlussbericht.
Standl, M., Tesch, F., Baurecht, H., Rodriguez, E., Muller-Nurasyid, M., Gieger, C., Peters, A., Wang-Sattler, R., Prehn, C., Adamski, J., Kronenberg, F., Schulz, H., Koletzko, S., Schikowski, T., von Berg, A., Lehmann, I., Berdel, D., Heinrich, J., Schmitt, J., Weidinger, S. (2017)
Association of Atopic Dermatitis with Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases.
J Invest Dermatol 137(5): 1074-1081.
Kolditz, M., Tesch, F., Mocke, L., Hoffken, G., Ewig, S., Schmitt, J. (2016)
Burden and risk factors of ambulatory or hospitalized CAP: A population based cohort study.
Respir Med 121: 32-38.