Publikationen Lorenz Harst, MA
Evers, J., Altschuck, N., Mehl, C., Ruthrich, L., Harst, L., Walther, F., Steidle, O., Suckow, A., Hecker, R., Schmitt, J., & Geraedts, M. (2025). Development of a pandemic-related core set of quality indicators for quality and patient safety in University Hospitals in Germany. BMC Health Serv Res, 25(1), 43.
Harst, L., Walther, F., Ruthrich, L., Kessler, L., Lindemann, C., Harter, M., Farin-Glattacker, E., Geraedts, M., & Schmitt, J. (2025). [Patient safety in the Innovation Fund - Characterization, results and evaluation of completed projects: Results of a scoping review]. Gesundheitswesen. (Patientensicherheit im Innovationsfonds - Charakterisierung, Resultate und Bewertung abgeschlossener Projekte: Ergebnisse eines Scoping Reviews.)
Scheithauer, S., Hoffmann, J., Lang, C., Fenz, D., Berens, M. M., Koster, A. M., Panchyrz, I., Harst, L., Adorjan, K., Apfelbacher, C., Ciesek, S., Denkinger, C. M., Drosten, C., Geraedts, M., Hecker, R., Hoffmann, W., Karch, A., Koch, T., Krefting, D., . . . Schmitt, J. (2025). Pandemic Preparedness - A Proposal for a Research Infrastructure and its Functionalities for a Resilient Health Research System. Gesundheitswesen. (Pandemic Preparedness - Ein Vorschlag fur eine Forschungsinfrastruktur und ihre Funktionalitaten fur ein resilientes Gesundheitsforschungssystem.)
Ansmann L, Nöst S, Körner M, Auschra C, Bal R, Böddeker M, Bode I, Braithwaite J, Breidenbach C, Coors M, Demirer I, Exworthy M, Harst L, Heuser C, Hoffmann J, Köberlein-Neu J, Krajic K, Maniatopoulos G, Mannion R, Möhler R, Pfaff H, Rieger MA, Rind E, Helge Schnack MA, Anke Wagner MA, Weigl M, Wensing M, Wiig S, Wild E, Wilhelm H, Wirtz M, Götz K. Navigating the Future of Organisational Health Services Research in Germany and beyond: a Position Paper. Gesundheitswesen. 2024 Sep;86(S 04):S259-S266. English, German. doi: 10.1055/a-2308-7384. Epub 2024 Jul 22. Erratum in: Gesundheitswesen. 2024 Sep;86(S 04):e2. doi: 10.1055/a-2379-0611. PMID: 39038484.
Harst L, Haase T, Tesch F, Rüthrich L, Kösters M, Schmitt J. Rationale and study protocol of a regional health panel in Saxony, Germany (GEPASA). PLoS One. 2024 Nov 15;19(11):e0310656. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0310656. PMID: 39546457; PMCID: PMC11567545.
Payo Anez, L., Haase, T., Harst, L., Ibrahim, K., Christoph, M., Koesters, M., Schmitt, J., & Quick, S. (2024, 30 August – 02 September). Multidisciplinary strategies for cardiotoxicity management in ambulatory care: exploring practices, insights, and prospects for advancement ESC Congress 2024, London.
Tesch, F., Harst, L., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Auf der Suche nach dem Landarzt. In U. Repschläger, C. Schulte, & N. Osterkamp (Eds.), Gesundheitswesen aktuell 2024 (pp. 148-167). BARMER.
Ossenbrink, L., Haase, T., Timpel, P., Schoffer, O., Scheibe, M., Schmitt, J., Deckert, S., Harst, L. Effectiveness of Digital Health Interventions Containing Game Components for the Self-management of Type 2 Diabetes: Systematic Review. JMIR Serious Games, 2023. 11: e44132.
Otto L, Schlieter H, Harst L, Whitehouse D, Maeder A. The telemedicine community readiness model-successful telemedicine implementation and scale-up. Front Digit Health. 2023 Feb 23;5:1057347. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2023.1057347.
von Kutzleben M, Baumgart V, Fink A, Harst L, Wicking N, Tsarouha E, Pohontsch NJ, Schunk M. Mixed Methods-Studien in der Versorgungsforschung: Anforderungen, Herausforderungen und die Frage der Integration – ein Diskussionspapier aus der Perspektive qualitativ Forschender [Mixed Methods Studies in Health Services Research: Requirements, Challenges and the Question of Integration - a Discussion Paper from the Perspective of Qualitative Researchers]. Gesundheitswesen. 2023 May 30. German. doi: 10.1055/a-2022-8326. Epub ahead of print.
Harst, L., Otto, L., Timpel, P., Richter, P., Lantzsch, H., Wollschlaeger, B., Winkler, K., Schlieter, H. An empirically sound telemedicine taxonomy - applying the CAFE methodology. Journal of Public Health-Heidelberg, 2022.
Kernbeck, S., Scheibe, M., Sinha, M., Fischer, F., Knapp, A., Timpel, P., Harst, L., Reininghaus, U., Vollmar, H.C. (2022) Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen entwickeln, evaluieren und implementieren (Teil I) – Diskussionspapier der Arbeitsgruppe Digital Health des Deutschen Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung (DNVF). Gesundheitswesen (efirst). - online first
Kernbeck, S., Scheibe, M., Sinha, M., Fischer, F., Knapp, A., Timpel, P., Harst, L., Reininghaus, U., Vollmar, H.C. (2022) Digitale Gesundheitsinterventionen entwickeln, evaluieren und implementieren (Teil II) – Diskussionspapier der Arbeitsgruppe Digital Health des Deutschen Netzwerk Versorgungsforschung (DNVF). Gesundheitswesen (efirst). - online first
Reifegerste, D., Harst, L., Otto, L. Sauerbruch, STARPAHC, and SARS: Historical Perspectives on Readiness and Barriers in Telemedicine. J Public Health (Berl.), 2022. 30: 11-20.
Richter, P., Harst, L. Tackling the scaling-up problem of digital health applications. Journal of Public Health, 2022. 30: 1-3.
Harst, L., Deckert, S., Haarig, F., Reichert, J., Dinger, J., Hellmund, P., Schmitt, J., Rudiger, M.
Prenatal Methamphetamine Exposure: Effects on Child Development. A Systematic Review.
Dtsch Arztebl Int, 2021. 118(18): 313–9.
Harst, L., Otto, L., Timpel, P., Richter, P., Lantzsch, H., Wollschlaeger, B., Winkler, K., Schlieter, H.
An empirically sound telemedicine taxonomy - applying the CAFE methodology.
Journal of Public Health-Heidelberg, 2021. Online ahead of print.
Harst, L., Wollschlaeger, B., Birnstein, J., Fuchs, T., Timpel, P.
Evaluation is Key: Providing Appropriate Evaluation Measures for Participatory and User-Centred Design Processes of Healthcare IT.
Int J Integr Care, 2021. 21(2): 24.
Hense, H., Harst, L., Küster, D., Walther, F., Schmitt, J.
Implementing longitudinal integrated curricula: Systematic review of barriers and facilitators.
Med Educ, 2021. 55(5): 558-573.
Knapp, A., Harst, L., Hager, S., Schmitt, J., Scheibe, M.
Use of Patient-reported Outcome Measures and Patient-reported Experience Measures within Evaluation Studies of Telemedicine Applications: Systematic Review.
J Med Internet Res, 2021. 23(11):e30042.
Neumann, A., Hense, H., Baum, F., Kliemt, R., Seifert, M., Harst, L., Kubat, D., Maicher, B., Schrey, C., Schmitt, J., Pfennig, A., Weinhold, I., Swart, E., Soltmann, B.
Evaluation of a flexible and integrative psychiatric care model in a department of child and adolescent psychiatry in Tubingen, Germany: study protocol (EVA_TIBAS).
BMC Health Serv Res, 2021. 21(1): 1262.
Panchyrz, I., Pohl, S., Hoffmann, J., Gatermann, C., Walther, F., Harst, L., Held, H.C., Kleber, C., Albrecht, M., Schmitt, J.
[The role of university hospitals in regional health care management for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic].
Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes, 2021. 167: 68-77.
Reifegerste, D., Harst, L., Otto, L.
Sauerbruch, STARPAHC, and SARS: Historical Perspectives on Readiness and Barriers in Telemedicine.
J Public Health (Berl.) (2021). Online ahead of print.
Reinhardt, G., Schwarz, P.E., Harst, L.
Non-use of telemedicine: A scoping review.
Health Informatics J, 2021. 27(4): 14604582211043147.
Reinhardt, G., Timpel, P., Schwarz, P.E.H., Harst, L.
Long-Term Effects of a Video-Based Smartphone App (“VIDEA Bewegt”) to Increase the Physical Activity of German Adults: A Single-Armed Observational Follow-Up Study.
Nutrients. 2021; 13(12):4215.
Richter, P., Harst, L.
Tackling the scaling-up problem of digital health applications.
Z Gesundh Wiss, 2021: 1-3. Online ahead of print.
Schlieter, H., Timpel, P., Otto, L., Richter, P., Wollschlaeger, B., Knapp, A., Harst, L.
Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen – Forderungen für deren Entwicklung, Implementierung und begleitende Evaluation.
Monitor Versorgungsforschung, 2021. 21(2): 76-80.
Kabeza, C.B., Harst, L., Schwarz, P.E.H., Timpel, P.
A qualitative study of users’ experiences after 3 months: the first Rwandan diabetes self-management Smartphone application “Kir’App”.
Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2020. 11: 2042018820914510.
Otto, L., Harst, L., Timpel, P., Wollschlaeger, B., Richter, P., Schlieter, H.
Defining and Delimitating Telemedicine and Related Terms - An Ontology-Based Classification.
Stud Health Technol Inform, 2020. 268: 113-122.
Timpel, P., Harst, L.
Research Implications for Future Telemedicine Studies and Innovations in Diabetes and Hypertension-A Mixed Methods Study.
Nutrients, 2020. 12(5): 1340.
Timpel, P., Oswald, S., Schwarz, P.E.H., Harst, L.
Mapping the Evidence on the Effectiveness of Telemedicine Interventions in Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, and Hypertension: An Umbrella Review of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses.
J Med Internet Res, 2020. 22(3): e16791.
- Buchbeitrag
Harst, L., Timpel, P., Systematische Übersicht zum Einsatz von Gamification-basierten Interventionen für Typ II Diabetes, in Gesundheitskommunikation und Digitalisierung, A. Kalch, A. Wagner, Editors. 2020, Nomos: Baden-Baden. p. 161-182
Harst, L., Lantzsch, H., Scheibe, M.
Theories Predicting End-User Acceptance of Telemedicine Use: Systematic Review.
J Med Internet Res, 2019. 21(5): e13117.
Kabeza, C.B., Harst, L., Schwarz, P.E.H., Timpel, P.
Assessment of Rwandan diabetic patients' needs and expectations to develop their first diabetes self-management smartphone application (Kir'App).
Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab, 2019. 10: 2042018819845318.
Timpel, P., Harst, L., Reifegerste, D., Weihrauch-Bluher, S., Schwarz, P.E.H.
What should governments be doing to prevent diabetes throughout the life course?
Diabetologia, 2019. 62(10): 1842-1853.
Harst, L., Timpel, P., Otto, L., Wollschlaeger, B., Richter, P., Schlieter, H.
Identifying Obstacles and Research Gaps of Telemedicine Projects: Approach for a State-of-the-Art Analysis.
Stud Health Technol Inform, 2018. 247: 121-125.
Lantzsch, H., Harst, L., Timpel, P.
Perspektien digitaler Diabetesprävention: wo wollen wir hin?
Diabetes aktuell, 2018. 16(08): 312-321.
Schwarz, P.E.H., Timpel, P., Harst, L., Greaves, C.J., Ali, M.K., Lambert, J., Weber, M.B., Almedawar, M.M., Morawietz, H.
Blood Sugar Regulation for Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: JACC Health Promotion Series.
J Am Coll Cardiol, 2018. 72(15): 1829-1844.
Schwarz, P.E.H., Timpel, P., Harst, L., Greaves, C.J., Ali, M.K., Lambert, J., Weber, M.B., Almedawar, M.M., Morawietz, H.
Reprint of: Blood Sugar Regulation for Cardiovascular Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: JACC Health Promotion Series.
J Am Coll Cardiol, 2018. 72(23 Pt B): 3071-3086.