Publikationen PD Dr. rer. nat. et rer. medic. habil Olaf Schoffer, Dipl.-Stat.
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Bierbaum, V., Bobeth, C., Roessler, M., Gerken, M., Tol, K. K., Reissfelder, C., Fürst, A., Günster, C., Dröge, P., Ruhnke, T., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Schmitt, J., & Schoffer, O. (2024). Treatment in certified cancer centers is related to better survival in patients with colon and rectal cancer: evidence from a large German cohort study. World journal of surgical oncology, 22(1), 11.
Hansinger, J., Völkel, V., Gerken, M., Schoffer, O., Wimberger, P., Bierbaum, V., Bobeth, C., Rößler, M., Dröge, P., Ruhnke, T., Günster, C., Kleihues-van Tol, K., Link, T., Kast, K., Papathemelis, T., Ortmann, O., Schmitt, J., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M. (2024). "Endometrial Cancer - Long-Term Survival in Certified Cancer Centers and Non-Certified Hospitals: Comparative Analysis Based on a Large German Retrospective Cohort Study (WiZen)." Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 84(10): 979-988.
Lindemann, C., Schunk, M., Keßler, L., Bierbaum, T., Bukow, G., Eichinger, M., Farin-Glattacker, E., Geraedts, M., Härter, M., Heytens, H., Meusch, A., Schoffer, O., van den Berg, N., Vollmar, H., von Kutzleben, M., Hoffmann, W., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Verbessert der Innovationsfonds die Versorgung? Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme zum Stand der Implementierung erfolgreicher Innovationsfondsprojekte in die Versorgungspraxis. Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)), 10.1055/a-2270-3537. Advance online publication.
Lugnier C, Sommerlatte S, Attenberger U, Beer AJ, Bentz M, Benz SR, Birkner T, Büntzel J, Ebert MPA, Fasching P, Fischbach W, Fokas E, Fricke B, Hense H, Grohmann E, Hofheinz RD, Hüppe D, Huster S, Jahn P, Klinkhammer-Schalke M, Knauf W, Kraeft AL, Maier BO, Marckmann G, Niegisch G, Otto L, Pelzer U, Piso P, Rosenau H, Schmitt J, Schoffer O, Sehouli J, Tannapfel A, Wedding U, Wesselmann S, Winkler EC, Zimmermann T, Wörmann B, Reinacher-Schick A, Schildmann J. Prioritization and Resource Allocation in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Recommendations for Colorectal and Pancreatic Cancer in Germany. Oncol Res Treat. 2024;47(6):296-305. Epub 2024 Mar 14. PMID: 38484712. doi: 10.1159/000538171.
Schmitt J, Ihle P, Schoffer O, Reese JP, Ortmann S, Swart E, Hanß S, Hoffmann F, Stallmann C, Kraus M, Semler SC, Heyder R, Vehreschild JJ, Heuschmann P, Krefting D, Sedlmayr M, Hoffmann W. Datennutzung für eine bessere Gesundheitsversorgung–Plädoyer für eine kooperative Forschungsdatenplattform der gesetzlichen und privaten Krankenversicherung und dem Netzwerk Universitätsmedizin (NUM). Gesundheitswesen. 2024 Oct 10. German. doi: 10.1055/a-2438-0670. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39389575.
Schoffer, O., Schmitt, J. WiZen in der Routineversorgung angekommen?. Forum 39, 449–453 (2024).
Schoffer, O., Wimberger, P., Gerken, M., Bierbaum, V., Bobeth, C., Rößler, M., Dröge, P., Ruhnke, T., Günster, C., Kleihues-van Tol, K., Link, T., Scharl, A., Inwald, E. C., Kast, K., Papathemelis, T., Ortmann, O., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Treatment in Certified Breast Cancer Centers Improves Chances of Survival of Patients with Breast Cancer: Evidence Based on Health Care Data from the WiZen Study. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde, 84(2), 153–163.
Sommerlatte S, Hense H, Nadolny S, Kraeft AL, Lugnier C, Schmitt J, Schoffer O, Reinacher-Schick A, Schildmann J. What does "urgency" mean when prioritizing cancer treatment? Results from a qualitative study with German oncologists and other experts during the COVID-19 pandemic. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2024 Jul 15;150(7):352. PMID: 39009898; PMCID: PMC11249432. doi: 10.1007/s00432-024-05863-7.
Tanaka, L. F., Schoffer, O., Schriefer, D., Schauberger, G., Ikenberg, H., & Klug, S. J. (2024). An audit of 1632 routinely collected cervical cancer screening smears from 398 women in Germany: Results from the TeQaZ Study. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990), 201, 113915. Advance online publication.
Zhou, X., Kern, I., Rothe, U., Schoffer, O., Weidner, J., Richter, T., Laass, M. W., Kugler, J., & Manuwald, U. (2024). Growth development of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease in the period 2000-2014 based on data of the Saxon pediatric IBD registry: a population-based study. BMC gastroenterology, 24(1), 25.
Bierbaum, V., Schmitt, J., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., & Schoffer, O. (2023). Assessment of the Potential of Concentrating Cancer Care in Hospitals With Certification Through Survival Analysis. Potenzialabschätzung für die Konzentration der Versorgung von Krebspatient:innen in Kliniken mit DKG-Zertifizierung mittels Überlebenszeitanalyse. Gesundheitswesen (Bundesverband der Arzte des Offentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes (Germany)), 85(S 03), S197–S204.
Bobeth, C., Tol, K. K., Rößler, M., Bierbaum, V., Gerken, M., Günster, C., Dröge, P., Ruhnke, T., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Schmitt, J., & Schoffer, O. (2023). Methodik und Zuordnungserfolg eines Linkage von Daten klinischer Krebsregister mit Abrechnungsdaten gesetzlicher Krankenkassen [Methodology and Attribution Success of a Data Linkage of Clinical Registry Data with Health Insurance Data]. Gesundheitswesen, 85(S 02), S154–S161.
Datzmann, T., Schmitt, J., & Schoffer, O. (2023). Positive Effect on Prognostic Factors. Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 120(33-34), 561.
Datzmann, T., Schoffer, O., Schmitt, J., Böhme, H., Fritzmann, J., Distler, M., Ubbelohde, U., Giehl-Brown, E., Henke, T., Krause, M., Glimm, H., Bornhäuser, M., & Weitz, J. (2023). Long-Term Observation of Patients With Cancer - an Entity-Independent Registry for Healthcare and Translational Research at the University Medicine Dresden (Cancer-Reg-VT). Langzeitbeobachtung von Patienten mit Krebserkrankungen – ein entitätsunabhängiges Register für Versorgungsforschung und translationale Forschung an der Universitätsmedizin Dresden (Cancer-Reg-VT). Gesundheitswesen, 85(S 03), S226–S234.
Eichler, M., Hentschel, L., Singer, S., Hornemann, B., Richter, S., Hofbauer, C., Hohenberger, P., Kasper, B., Andreou, D., Pink, D., Jakob, J., Grützmann, R., Fung, S., Wardelmann, E., Arndt, K., Hermes-Moll, K., Schoffer, O., Fried, M., Jambor, H. K., Weitz, J., … Schuler, M. K. (2023). Health related Quality of Life over time in German sarcoma patients. An analysis of associated factors - results of the PROSa study. Frontiers in endocrinology, 14, 1166838.
Manuwald, U., Schoffer, O., Rothe, U., Kugler, J., & Kiess, W. (2023). Neues zur Diabetesepidemiologie. [News in epidemiology of diabetes]. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 23(02), 91-96. doi:10.1055/a-2029-6953
Manuwald, U., Schoffer, O., Rothe, U., Kugler, J., & Kiess, W. (2023). Diabetische Ketoazidoseraten bei Manifestation eines Typ-1-Diabetes bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Sachsen. [Diabetic ketoacidosis at onset of type 1 diabetes of children and adolescents in Saxony, Germany]. Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 23(02), 97-102. doi:10.1055/a-2029-2210
Ossenbrink, L., Haase, T., Timpel, P., Schoffer, O., Scheibe, M., Schmitt, J., Deckert, S., & Harst, L. (2023). Effectiveness of Digital Health Interventions Containing Game Components for the Self-management of Type 2 Diabetes: Systematic Review. JMIR serious games, 11, e44132.
Reinacher-Schick, A., Ebert, M.P., Piso, P., Hüppe, D., Schmitt, .J, Schildmann, J., Schoffer, O. et al. Effects of the Pandemic on the Care of Patients With Colorectal Cancer. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2023 Aug 21;120(33-34):545-552. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.m2023.0139
Schmitt, J., Bierbaum, T., Geraedts, M., Gothe, H., Härter, M., Hoffmann, F., Ihle, P., Kramer, U., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Kuske, S., March, S., Reese, J. P., Schoffer, O., Swart, E., Vollmar, H. C., Walther, F., & Hoffmann, W. (2023). Das Gesundheitsdatennutzungsgesetz – Potenzial für eine bessere Forschung und Gesundheitsversorgung. Gesundheitswesen, 85(4), 215–222.
Schmitt, J., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Bierbaum, V., Gerken, M., Bobeth, C., Rößler, M., Dröge, P., Ruhnke, T., Günster, C., Kleihues-van Tol, K., Schoffer, O., & WiZen Study Group (2023). Initial Cancer Treatment in Certified Versus Non-Certified Hospitals. Deutsches Arzteblatt international, 120(39), 647–654.
Schmitt, J., Roessler, M., Scriba, P., Walther, F., Grählert, X., Eberlein-Gonska, M., Kuhlen, R., & Schoffer, O. (2023). Effect of clinical peer review on mortality in patients ventilated for more than 24 hours: a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ quality & safety, 32(1), 17–25.
Schoffer, O., Schriefer, D., Werblow, A., Gottschalk, A., Peschel, P., Liang, L. A., Karmann, A., & Klug, S. J. (2023). Modelling the effect of demographic change and healthcare infrastructure on the patient structure in German hospitals - a longitudinal national study based on official hospital statistics. BMC health services research, 23(1), 1081.
Sommerlatte, S., Lugnier, C., Schoffer, O., Jahn, P., Kraeft, A. L., Kourti, E., Michl, P., Reinacher-Schick, A., Schmitt, J., Birkner, T., Schildmann, J., & Herpertz, S. (2023). Mental burden and moral distress among oncologists and oncology nurses in Germany during the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional survey. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology, 149(9), 6211–6223.
Tanaka, L. F., Schoffer, O., König, J., Weyer-Elberich, V., Blettner, M., & Klug, S. J. (2023). Changes in the probability of hysterectomy in the city of Mainz and Mainz-Bingen region, Germany. BMC public health, 23(1), 84.
Völkel, V., Gerken, M., Kleihues-van Tol, K., Schoffer, O., Bierbaum, V., Bobeth, C., Roessler, M., Reissfelder, C., Fürst, A., Benz, S., Rau, B. M., Piso, P., Distler, M., Günster, C., Hansinger, J., Schmitt, J., & Klinkhammer-Schalke, M. (2023). Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in Certified Centers: Results of a Large German Registry Study Focusing on Long-Term Survival. Cancers, 15(18), 4568.
Boehm, W.U., Piontek, D., Latarius, S., Schoffer, O., Borkowetz, A., Klug, S.J., Wirth, M.P. The Clinical Complexity of Penile Cancer: Current Clinical-Epidemiological Data from the Database of the Free State of Saxony/Germany. Urol Int, 2022: 1-10.
Datzmann, T., Schoffer, O., Meier, F., Seidler, A., Schmitt, J. (2021) Are patients benefiting from participation in the German skin cancer screening programme? A large cohort study based on administrative data. The British journal of dermatology Volume 186, Issue 1, January 2022, Pages 69-77.
Kern, I., Schoffer, O., Richter, T., Kiess, W., Flemming, G. et al. (2022) Current and projected incidence trends of pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease in Germany based on the Saxon Pediatric IBD Registry 2000–2014 –a 15-year evaluation of trends. PLOS ONE 17(9): e0274117.
Lugnier, C., Kraeft, A.L., Sommerlatte, S., Förster, S., I.S., F., Christmann, J., Kourti, E., Schoffer, O., Hense, H., Birkner, T., Herpertz, S., Schmitt, J., Tannapfel, A., Reinacher-Schick, A., Schildmann, J. Ressourcenallokation bei Krebspatienten. Forum Junge Onkologie, 2022. 37: 187-190.
Manuwald, U., Schoffer, O., Kugler, J., Riemenschneider, H., Kapellen, T.M., Kiess, W., Rothe, U. Trends in incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes between 1999 and 2019 based on the Childhood Diabetes Registry of Saxony, Germany. PLoS ONE 2022 16(12): e0262171. (online first)
Roessler, M., Schmitt, J., Bobeth, C., Gerken, M., Kleihues-van Tol, K., Reissfelder, C., Rau, B. M., Distler, M., Piso, P., Günster, C., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M., Schoffer, O., & Bierbaum, V. (2022). Is treatment in certified cancer centers related to better survival in patients with pancreatic cancer? Evidence from a large German cohort study. BMC cancer, 22(1), 621.
Roessler, M., Walther, F., Eberlein-Gonska, M., Scriba, P.C., Kuhlen, R., Schmitt, J., Schoffer, O.Exploring relationships between in-hospital mortality and hospital case volume using random forest: results of a cohort study based on a nationwide sample of German hospitals. 2016-2018. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022 Jan 2;22(1):1.PMID: 34974828; PMCID: PMC8722027.
Schmitt, J., Roessler, M., Scriba, P., Walther, F., Grählert, X., Eberlein-Gonska, M., Kuhlen, R., Schoffer O. Effect of clinical peer review on mortality in patients ventilated for more than 24 hours: a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Qual Saf. 2022 Apr 5:bmjqs-2021-013864. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2021-013864. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35383128.
Schoffer, O., Gottschalk, A., Liang, L.A., Werblow, A., Schriefer, D., Peschel, P., Karmann, A., Kugler, J., Klug, S.J. Ranking of the most relevant hospital inpatient diagnoses by age and diagnostic group based on DRG statistics in Germany. Journal of Public Health-Heidelberg, 2022. 29(3): 541-551.
Walther, F., Schmitt, J., Eberlein-Gonska, M., Kuhlen, R., Scriba, P., Schoffer, O., Rößler, M. Relationships between multiple patient safety outcomes and healthcare and hospital-related risk factors in colorectal resection cases: cross-sectional evidence from a nationwide sample of 232 German hospitals. BMJ Open 2022;12:e058481. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058481
Datzmann, T., Schmitt, J., Fuhrmann, S., Roessler, M., Meier, F., Schoffer, O. (2021)
Implementation and Effectiveness of Novel Therapeutic Substances for Advanced Malignant Melanoma in Saxony, Germany, 2010–2020—Cohort Study Based on Administrative Data.
Cancers, 2021. 13(24): 6150.
Eichler, M., Andreou, D., Golcher, H., Hentschel, L., Richter, S., Hohenberger, P., Kasper, B., Pink, D., Jakob, J., Ashmawy, H., Hettmer, S., Tuchscherer, A., Grube, M., Heidt, V., Jentsch, C., Pablik, J., Wardelmann, E., Kreitner, K. F., Kneser, U., Tonus, C., Wimberger, P., Schoffer, O., Reichardt, P., Wartenberg, M., Eberlein-Gonska, M., Bornhäuser, M., Schmitt, J., Schuler, M.K. (2021)
Utilization of Interdisciplinary Tumor Boards for Sarcoma Care in Germany: Results from the PROSa Study.
Oncology research and treatment 44(6): 301–312.
Kern, I., Schoffer, O., Kiess, W., Henker, J., Laaß, M. W., Winkler, U., Quietzsch, J., Wenzel, O., Zurek, M., Büttner, K., Fischer, P., de Laffolie, J., Manuwald, U., Stange, T., Zenker, R., Weidner, J., Zimmer, K. P., Kunath, H., Kugler, J., Richter, T., Rothe, U. (2021)
Incidence trends of pediatric onset inflammatory bowel disease in the years 2000-2009 in Saxony, Germany-first results of the Saxon Pediatric IBD Registry.
PloS one 16(1): e0243774.
Neumann, A., Baum, F., Seifert, M., Schoffer, O., Kliemt, R., March, S., Häckl, D., Swart, E., Pfennig, A., Schmitt, J. (2021)
Verringerung vollstationärer Behandlungstage in psychiatrischen Kliniken mit Modellvorhaben zur patientenzentrierten Versorgung mit globalem Budget (§64b SGB V) – Ergebnisse mit dreijähriger Nachbeobachtung aus der Evaluationsstudie EVA64.
Psychiatrische Praxis 48(03): 127-134.
Roessler, M., Schmitt, J., Schoffer, O.
Can we trust the standardized mortality ratio? A formal analysis and evaluation based on axiomatic requirements.
PLoS One, 2021. 16(9): e0257003.
Schmitt, J., Schoffer, O., Walther, F., Roessler, M., Grählert, X., Eberlein-Gonska, M., Scriba, P.C., Kuhlen, R. (2021)
Effectiveness of the IQM peer review procedure to improve in-patient care - a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial (IMPRESS): study design and baseline results.
Journal of Public Health 29: 195-203.
Schoffer, O., Roessler, M., Datzmann, T., Andreou, D., Jakob, J., Eichler, M., Richter, S., Schuler, M. K., & Schmitt, J. (2021)
Medical Care and Survival of Soft-Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Patients: Results and Methodological Aspects of a German Subnational Cohort Study Based on Administrative Healthcare Data.
Oncology research and treatment 44(3): 103-110.
Schoffer, O., Roessler, M., Walther, F., Eberlein-Gonska, M., Scriba, P.C., Albrecht, M., Kuhlen, R., Schmitt, J. (2021)
Patient-Level and Hospital-Level Risk Factors for In-Hospital Mortality in Patients Ventilated for More Than 24 Hours: Results of a Nationwide Cohort Study.
J Intensive Care Med 36(8):954-962.
Baum, F., Schoffer, O., Neumann, A., Seifert, M., Kliemt, R., March, S., Swart, E., Hackl, D., Pfennig, A., Schmitt, J. (2020)
Effectiveness of Global Treatment Budgets for Patients With Mental Disorders-Claims Data Based Meta-Analysis of 13 Controlled Studies From Germany.
Front Psychiatry 11: 131.
Hellmund, P., Schmitt, J., Roessler, M., Meier, F., Schoffer, O. (2020)
Targeted and Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy of Metastatic Malignant Melanoma in Germany, 2000-2016.
Cancers (Basel) 12(9): 2354.
March, S., Zimmermann, L., Kubat, D., Neumann, A., Schmitt, J., Baum, F., Schoffer, O., Arnold, K., Seifert, M., Kliemt, R., Hackl, D., Pfennig, A., Swart, E. (2020)
Methodische Herausforderungen bei der Nutzung von Daten von mehr als 70 gesetzlichen Krankenkassen – Ein Werkstattbericht aus der EVA64-Studie. [Methodological Challenges when Using Claims Data of more than 70 Statutory Health Insurances - A Progress Report from the EVA64 Study].
Gesundheitswesen 82(S 01): S4-S12.
Schmitt, J., Geraedts, M., Maier, B., Schwarzkopf, D., Schoffer, O., Härter, M., Neugebauer, E., Apfelbacher, C., Bierbaum, T., Dreinhöfer, K., Hoffmann, W., Klinkhammer-Schalke, M. (2020)
Zum Status quo und der vorgesehenen Weiterentwicklung des Innovationsfonds (Version 3, 4.2.2020).
Das Gesundheitswesen 82(05): 374-377.
Schoffer, O., Neumann, A., Stabenow, R., Schulein, S., Bohm, W.D., Gonsior, A., Horn, L.C., Kriegel, C., Stolzenburg, J.U., Wirth, M., Klug, S.J. (2019)
Penile cancer - Incidence, mortality, and survival in Saxony, Germany.
Urol Oncol 37(4): 295 e1-295 e8.
Roessler M, Schmitt J, Schoffer O (2019)
Ranking hospitals when performance and risk factors are correlated: A simulation-based comparison of risk adjustment approaches for binary outcomes.
PLoS One 14(12):e0225844.
Manuwald, U., Schoffer, O., Hegewald, J., Grosse, J., Kugler, J., Kapellen, T.M., Kiess, W., Rothe, U. (2019)
Ketoacidosis at onset of type 1 diabetes in children up to 14 years of age and the changes over a period of 18 years in Saxony, Eastern-Germany: A population based register study.
PLoS One 14(6): e0218807
Krämer W, Schoffer O, Tschiersch L, Gerß J. Datenanalyse mit SAS®. 4 ed. Berlin: Gabler Verlag; 2018.
Neumann, A., Lindholm, L., Norberg, M., Schoffer, O., Klug, S.J., Norstrom, F. (2017)
The cost-effectiveness of interventions targeting lifestyle change for the prevention of diabetes in a Swedish primary care and community based prevention program.
Eur J Health Econ 18(7): 905-919.
Manuwald, U., Heinke, P., Salzsieder, E., Hegewald, J., Schoffer, O., Kugler, J., Kapellen, T.M., Kiess, W., Rothe, U. (2017)
Incidence trends of type 1 diabetes before and after the reunification in children up to 14 years of age in Saxony, Eastern Germany.
PLoS One 12(9): e0183665.
Kast, K., Schoffer, O., Link, T., Forberger, A., Petzold, A., Niedostatek, A., Werner, C., Klug, S.J., Werner, A., Gatzweiler, A., Richter, B., Baretton, G., Wimberger, P. (2017)
Trastuzumab and survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Arch Gynecol Obstet 296(2):303-312.
Schoffer O, Schülein S, Arand G, Arnholdt H, Baaske D, Bargou RC, Becker N, Beckmann MW, Bodack Y, Böhme B, Bozkurt T, Breitsprecher R, Buchali A, Burger E, Burger U, Dommisch K, Elsner G, Fernschild K, Flintzer U, Funke U, Gerken M, Göbel H, Grobe N, Gumpp V, Heinzerling L, Kempfer LR, Kiani A, Klinkhammer-Schalke M, Klöcking S, Kreibich U, Knabner K, Kuhn P, Lutze S, Mäder U, Maisel T, Maschke J, Middeke M, Neubauer A, Niedostatek A, Opazo-Saez A, Peters C, Schell B, Schenkirsch G, Schmalenberg H, Schmidt P, Schneider C, Schubotz B, Seide A, Strecker P, Taubenheim S, Wackes M, Weiß S, Welke C, Werner C, Wittekind C, Wulff J, Zettl H, Klug SJ (2016)
Tumour stage distribution and survival of malignant melanoma in Germany 2002-2011.
BMC Cancer 16(1):936.
Dornbusch J, Walter M, Gottschalk A, Obaje A, Junker K, Ohlmann CH, Meinhardt M, Zacharis A, Zastrow S, Schoffer O, Grimm MO, Klug SJ, Wirth MP, Fuessel S (2016)
Evaluation of polymorphisms in angiogenesis-related genes as predictive and prognostic markers for sunitinib-treated metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients.
J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 142(6):1171-82.
Bendas A, Rothe U, Kiess W, Kapellen TM, Stange T, Manuwald U, Salzsieder E, Holl RW, Schoffer O, Stahl-Pehe A, Giani G, Ehehalt S, Neu A, Rosenbauer J (2015)
Trends in Incidence Rates during 1999-2008 and Prevalence in 2008 of Childhood Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Germany - Model-Based National Estimates.
PLoS One 10(7):e0132716
Kast K, Link T, Friedrich K, Petzold A, Niedostatek A, Schoffer O, Werner C, Klug SJ, Werner A, Gatzweiler A, Richter B, Baretton G, Wimberger P (2015)
Impact of Breast Cancer Subtypes and Patterns of Metastasis on Outcome.
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 150(3): 621-629.
Schoffer O, Schlanstedt-Jahn U, Meier F, Klug SJ (2015)
Epidemiologie und Versorgung des malignen Melanoms in Deutschland.
TumorDiagnostik & Therapie 36(03): 140-142.
Neumann A, Schoffer O, Norström F, Norberg M, Klug SJ, Lindholm L (2014)
Health-Related Quality of Life for Pre-Diabetic States and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: a Cross-Sectional Study in Västerbotten Sweden.
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 12:150
Schoffer O, Niedostatek A, Klug SJ (2013)
Estimation of Relative Survival Based on Cancer Registry Data.
Review of Bioinformatics and Biometrics 2(4): 77-82.
Neumann A, Norberg M, Schoffer O, Norström F, Johansson I, Klug SJ, Lindholm L (2013)
Risk Equations for the Development of Worsened Glucose Status and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Swedish Intervention Program.
BMC Public Health 13:1014