Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge

Symposium- Hands on Workshop 15th of March 2025

All five workshops will take place simultaneously and repeated twice.

You can choose two courses.

1) How to ventilate the difficult lung

(Christoph Schwarz)

If you do have experience in neonatal ventilation but want to discuss difficult pulmonary situations – that is the best workshop for you.

Christoph Schwarz provides the chance for hands-on training of ventilation by using a highly sophisticated neonatal lung model. You can use a ventilator and try to ventilate different pulmonary settings in simulation lung. Furthermore, you can exchange your ideas with participants and experienced neonatologists. 



2) How to take care of an extremely preterm infant

(Lars Mense)

You want to improve your management of extremely preterm infants in the delivery room – then you should not miss the workshop.

At birth, extremely preterm infants require specialised support of their transition into ex-utero life. A gentle approach of delivery room management has been established locally through the last decade. Lars Mense will discuss techniques, policies, data and experiences with participants. Furthermore, patient cases will be simulated in this workshop.

[Maximal number of participants: 12]

3) How to introduce telemedicine in neonatal care

(Sven Helfer)

If you want to improve neonatal support in different hospitals by telemedicine, than you can discuss the details with experts.

Delivery room management is crucial to provide an optimal start into neonatal life. Telemedicine offers the great opportunity to support resuscitation; however, special training is needed for efficient support. The course offers the chance to train how to interact in that situation and how to introduce it into clinical routine setting.

[Maximal number of participants: 10]


4) How analysing delivery room management by peer discussion may help improving neonatal resuscitation performance

(Maxi Kaufmann/Lukas Mileder)

Video-assisted debriefing has been shown to be an important and effective tool not only in simulation training. We will discuss the existing evidence, the structural and technical requirements and the challenges during implementation of video-assisted debriefing in neonatal resuscitation.

[Maximal number of participants: 12]



5) Learn more about how to use AI-applications 

(Markus Vogel)

If you want to use artificial intelligence for your clinical work or to perform research – this workshop gives you some practical insights.  

The distinguished expert will explain Copilots that allows you to summarize PDF-documents at a glance. Furthermore, you get an introduction to medical multi-modal AI models, allowing analysis from a combination of pictures and text. Finally, the Conversational Data Connector is presented, which allows you to transform conversational information into databases which enables you to perform subsequent structured analysis.

Bring your own laptop in order to experience the opportunities by yourself!


6) Learn more about the possibilities of video-assisted intubation and surfactant application in neonatology

(Gabriele Voss)

Try by yourself and see how our video laryngoscope can help you to master difficult oral and nasal intubations in neonatology. In the workshop, we place special emphasis on the option to apply surfactant using the LISA method with an appropriate adapter, as well as on the video recording capabilities.


This course takes place during lunchtime (13-14th of March).

Participation on 15.03.2025: one workshop = 40€, two workshops = 60€