Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge



January, 16th, 2025

Tiny Baby Collaborative- Empowering Parents after Birth at <24 Weeks

Online Webinar

Flyer and Registration

March, 24-27th, 2025

2025 Neonatal Ultrasound Course. Why, how and when an ultrasound image?


in Florence, Italy or online via webinar



Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln

December, 10-13th, 2025

32. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Perinatale Medizin


Estrel Berlin

More Information


December 9th, 2023

Frühgeborenenerstversorgung Simulationsworkshop "Golden Hour of Life"

Veranstaltungsort: Simulationszentrum im Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, Pavillon 12

Flyer inkl. Programm und Anmeldeinformationen finden Sie hier zum Download.


November 30th - December 2nd, 2023

31. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für PERINATALE MEDIZIN

31. Kongress DGPM 2023

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.


November 13-15th, 2023

Miami Neonatology 2023 - 47th Annual International Conference

You will find more information here


October 21th, 2023 

Frühgeborenenerstversorgung Simulationsworkshop "Golden Hour of Life"

Veranstaltungsort: Simulationszentrum im Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, Pavillon 12

Flyer inkl. Programm und Anmeldeinformationen finden Sie hier zum Download.


September 14/15th, 2023

6th Annual Neonatal Resuscitation Symposium

Where: The event will be a hybrid event. 
              Indiana University School of Medicine or by virtual attendance via Zoom

Click to register

You will find more information here.   


May 05/06th, 2023

Hands-on-Training "Erstversorgung im Kreißsaal"

Fortbildungsangebot der Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Neonatale Erstversorgung und Reanimation" der GNPI

Veranstaltungsort: AKH Wien, Univ. Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

Programm und Anmeldeinformationen finden Sie hier zum Download.


March 09-11th, 2023

The 14th Dresden Symposium ESPR Spring School

You will find more information here


February 18th, 2023

Frühgeborenenerstversorgung Simulationsworkshop "Golden Hour of Life"

Veranstaltungsort: Simulationszentrum im Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, Pavillon 12

Flyer inkl. Programm und Anmeldeinformationen finden Sie hier zum Download.



December 9th, 2022

Simulationsworkshop "Golden Hour of Life"

Veranstaltungsort: Simulationszentrum im Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, Pavillon 12

Flyer inkl. Programm und Anmeldeinformationen finden Sie hier zum Download.

October 13th,2022

Simulationsworkshop "Golden Hour of Life"

Veranstaltungsort: Simulationszentrum im Vivantes Klinikum Neukölln, Pavillon 12

Flyer inkl. Programm und Anmeldeinformationen finden Sie hier zum Download

September 15/16th, 2022

Fifth Annual Neonatal Resuscitation Symposium 

Hosted by OU College of Medicine Department of Pediatrics & Oklahoma Children`s Hospital OU Health

You will find the detailed programm here

Important info:                  - The registration is free of charge.

                                              - Attendees will have access to the recorded sessions several weeks after the event.

September 01-03th, 2022

Grundkurs Ultraschall Geburtshilfe / Gynäkologie 

Flyer und Programm finden Sie hier zum Download.

June 10th, 2022 

Annual International Neonatal Conference

Virtual conference

Further information can be found here

March 19th, 2022

9th Maria Delivoria - Papadopoulos Perinatal Symposium:
"Perinatal Covid-19: The Aftermath" - Free virtual

You will find the detailed program here.
Additional information concerning registration can be found here.

March 13th, 2022

The ESPR Spring School

It is a great pleasure to invite you to another edition of the ESPR-Spring School.
Please note the date, further information will follow soon. 

March 11/12th, 2022

13th International Dresden Symposium with more 264 participants 
from 31 countries

The International Dresden Symposium in March has become the kick-off for the academic year of clinians and researchers who are interested in improving care of newborns. The Symposium offers the unique opportunity to discuss recent advances in the field of Delivery Room Mangement and exciting news around feto-neonatal health. The 13th Symposium took place on March 11th and 12th 2022.

During the past decade, we had the honour to host many dear friends and colleagues in Dresden and to provide an atmosphere for scientific exchange. Whereas “Hybrid Meeting” has become popular during the past year, the Dresden Meeting started to by “hybrid” in 2015 to enable participation from different continents.

This year more than 264 participants from 31 countries discussed current development during two days. Due to Covid restrictions there was only a small group in presence which met in Leiden/Netherlands. Nevertheless, the spirit of the meeting was kept alive and we were able to provide a platform for intensive exchange between clinicians and scientists who are interested in Delivery Room Management and in new developments in Neonatology. Distinguished international speakers covered the following topics:

  • Prenatal Medicine meets Neonatology.
  • Covid-19 effects on pregnancy and newborns. 
  • Artificial placenta and Perinatal Life Support. 
  • Exciting news from Stem Cell Research.
  • Telemedicine in Neonatology.
  • Current studies on DR-management.
  • Management of late preterm infants.
  • To breathe or not to breathe?
  • PRO & CON: Improving research in DR-management. 

       You will find the detailed program here.

The next meeting will (hopefully) be in Dresden from 9th - 11th of March, 2023 – so save the date!  


November 25-27th, 2021

Bi-anual Meeting of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Perinatale Medizin

Further information can be found here

March 17th, 2021

Start Fakultativer Vertiefungskomplex

Die Betreuung von Hochrisiko Schwangerschaften ist anspruchsvoll und erfordert Kenntnisse aus den Bereich der Geburtshilfe und der Neonatologie. Nur gemeinsam können wir die Familien optimal begleiten. Der Vertiefungskomplex gibt einen fachbereichsübergreifenden Einblick in die feto-neonatale Medizin und ermöglicht es, klinische Erfahrungen und wissenschaftliche Interessen zu schärfen.

March 13th, 2021

ESPR Spring School (online)

Despite the challenges of the current times, we are proud to offer you a great selection of courses pertinent to optimal perinatal management and quality improvement. You will find the detailed program here. As always, we are interested to provide the opportunity for intensive discussions.

March 12th, 2021

12th Dresden Symposium (online)

In order to cope with the current situation, we decided to have the meeting in 2021 within a virtual surrounding. Nevertheless, we hope to keep the spirit of the meeting alive and to provide a platform for intensive exchange between clinicians and scientists who are interested in Delivery Room Management. In order to cover a broad range of relevant topics we have invited speakers to cover various topics. You will find the detailed program here.