Monday | 8am – 12am and 1pm – 6pm |
Tuesday | 8am – 12am and 1pm – 4pm |
Wednesday | 8am – 12am and 1pm – 6pm |
Thursday | 8am – 12am and 1pm – 4pm |
Friday | 8am – 12am and 1pm– 3pm |
Appointment Scheduling
0351-458 3057
For Patients: Please bring a referral slip for your initial visit. If available, please provide us with current X-rays, your medication plan, allergy passport, or heart passport.
We kindly ask you to present your insurance card at the registration desk (ground floor, Room 116) before each appointment.
There is barrier-free access with an elevator located at the back of the building.
For Referrers: We request the following information and findings: reason for referral, current X-rays, any medical history, and previous treatments.
Contact - How to Find Us
University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
at the Technical University of Dresden
Policlinic for Operative Dentistry
Division of Periodontology
Fetscherstr. 74, 01307 Dresden
Building 28
Treatment Rooms: 2nd Floor, Rooms 310 and 311
Directions and Location Map
- Interactive Location Map - Carus Navigator
- By Bus and Train to the University Hospital
- Parking Options
Kati Eisele
0351 458-2712
0351-458 5341
Building 28, 2. OG Zi. 309
International Patients
If you have any difficulty understanding German you will need to bring a translator on the day of your appointment!
При языковом барьере вам обязательно необходимо прийти с переводчиком!
في حال وجود صعوبة تواصل باللغة الألمانية فإنه من الضروري جدا إحضار مترجم