International Master Course: "Reconstruction of the Middle Ear"
From May 22nd to 24th and May 26th to 28th 2024 the course "Reconstruction of the Middle Ear" took place at the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery at the University Hospital Dresden. Over 31 participants from four different continents registered for this international master course to learn advanced techniques in middle ear surgery. Due to high demand and limited participant capacity, an additional online course with interactive operations and real-time lectures was held. The course offered interactive discussions, hands-on training, and valuable tips from leading experts, including lectures and live surgeries by international guest speakers. Two international renowned guest speakers were Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Huber from Zurich (CH) and Chris Aldren from Windsor (UK).
The highlight of the course was a live surgery where experienced surgeons and the operating room nursing team performed a middle ear reconstruction. The course was organized by the Ear Research Center Dresden, with substantial support from Heinz Kurz GmbH.
The Dresden International Tympanoplasty Masterclass is one of the world’s most in-depth hands-on courses in the field. Every year for the past 27 years, otosurgeons from around the world have come to Dresden to study and learn the latest in surgical techniques, advances in implantology and hearing rehabilitation.