ERCD Staff
Name | phone | ||
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Thomas Zahnert Director of ORL-HNS clinic | 0351 458-4420 | ||
Medical director of lab | 0351 458-3107 | ||
Dr. rer. medic. Matthias Bornitz Senior researcher | 0351 458-12025 | ||
Group leader Neurocognition
| 0351 458-7048 |
Research fellows
Name | phone | ||
Tom Berner M.Sc. | 0351 458-3011 | ||
Dr. rer. medic. Till Moritz Essinger | 0351 458-2025 | ||
Dr. Annett Franke-Trieger | 0351 458-11884 | ||
Dipl.-Ing. Katarina Gille | 0351 458-3011 | ||
Lena Heine M.Sc. | 0351 458-3860 | ||
Dr. rer. medic. Martin Koch | 0351 458-5165 | ||
Dr. rer. nat. Indra Krönke | 0351 458-3860 | ||
Dr.-Ing. Hannes Seidler | 0351 458-2247 | ||
0351 458-3860 |
Scientific Coordinator
Name | phone | ||
Dipl.-Ing. Anne Kluge | 0351 458-18814 | ||
Medical staff
Name | phone | ||
PD Dr. med. Thomas Beleites | 0351 458-3107 | ||
Dr. med. Max Kemper | 0351 458-2264 | ||
0351 458-2264 | |||
Nikoloz Lasurashvili | 0351 458-2264 | ||
Dr. med. Marie-Luise Polk | 0351 458-2264 | ||
Joseph Morgenstern | 0351 458-2264 | ||
Dr. med. Christoph Müller | 0351 458-2264 | ||
Dr. med. Susen Lailach | 0351 458-2264 | ||
Dr. med. Susanne Günther | 0351 458-2264 |
MD students
First name | Last name | Scientific work |
Nico | Bilik | "ClicClac - Entwicklung eines Tools zur intraoperativen Evaluierung der Ossikelketten- und Ringbandsteifigkeit" |
Joshua | Böhrenz | "Charakterisierung von Knochenleitungsabfällen anhand einer neuen Schweregradeinteilung" |
Christian | Britz | "Long-time outcome after resection of intra-meatal vestibular schwannomas" |
Tabea | Buske | "EEG-Studie Worterwerb" |
Deng | Jianhang |
Benjamin | Etzold | "Sound transmission of active components in the middle ear" |
Sandra | Glausch | "Impact of stapes' annular ligament tension on sound transmission properties in the middle ear" |
Frieda | Gleim | "EEG Studie zum Satzverstehen" |
Maria | Grünig | "Processing of human voice signals in infants" |
Kalina | Kalpachka | "Investigation of the effect of harmonization of tinnitus by means of transposed music" |
Theodor | Kreusch | "OCT" |
Janina | Kuch |
Thea | Lauckner |
Vincent | Leihkauf | "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zu Kopplungselementen für einen implantierbaren Sensor im Mittelohr" |
Alexander | Lenz | |
Lucas | Lichius | "Untersuchungen zur Schwingform der Steigbügelfußplatte bei Mittelohrrekonstruktion - Labormessungen am Präparat" |
Korinna | Lorenz | "Experimental investigation on real-time monitoring in ossiculoplasty" |
Johanna | Martin | "Influence of cochlear implantation on stress perception, somatisation and ability to work" |
Susen | Marx | "EEG-Studie Worterwerb" |
Tabea | Minx | "Infrarot-Spektroskopie der Mittelohrschleimhaut" |
Franziska | Petzet | "EEG-Studie Worterwerb" |
Anastasia | Raczynski | "Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Anwendung eines passiven Haltearms in der Ohrchirurgie" |
Laura | Rochor | "Deskriptive Analyse von Früh- und Spätkomplikationen nach Mittelohroperationen in Hinblick auf die Behandlungsqualität in der Ohrchirurgie" |
Juliane | Schicketanz | "Language acquisition in children fitted with cochlear implants at an early age: A retrospective analysis" |
Catherina | Schieffer | "OCT" |
Ellinor | Schlesier | "Validierung von biomimetischem Trommelfellersatz" |
Sofia | Schmidt | "Clinical investigation on real-time monitoring in ossiculoplasty" |
Nina | Siefke | "Perception of fundamental differences in auditory tone sequences in young children: Electrophysiological evidence." |
Joshua | Sivabalan Shetty | "Retrospective analysis of the correlation between cochlea implant electrode position and postoperative word recognition score" |
Paula | Stephan | "Investigation of the influence of depression/personality/language comprehension on quality of life " |
Dalma | Szentpetery | "An Analysis of Weighting Factors in Decision Making of Therapeutic Approaches in Acute Mastoiditis" |
Anna | Tsypina |
Sylvia | Tünnermeier | "Bauraumanalyse" |
Julia | Voigt | "Quantifizierung der Lärmbelastung durch Knochenschall bei zahnmedizinischen Behandlungen" |
Ekaterina | vom Heu | "Prediction of speech comprehension using virtual middle ear implants" |
Clemens | Weber | "Predictive parameters in vestibular schwannoma surgery" |
Sijia | Zhai | "Investigation and optimization of coupling conditions of passive and active middle ear implants" |
Yuan | Zhan | "Quantification of drilling induced noise during surgical procedures at the head and optimization the monitoring system" |
Alumni | Scientific work |
Alexandra Horst | "Electrophysiological correlates of music processing in infants" |
Theresa Langanke | "Health related quality of life measurements in otologic surgery" |
Theresa Berg | "Infra-red spectroscopy of the middle ear mucosa" |
Lisa Bruns | "Music processing in pre- and postlingual hearing impaired patients with cochlear implant: electrophysiological evidence" |
Martin Derno | "Materials for tympanic membrane reconstruction and their acoustico-mechanical properties" |
Johanna Enders | "Complications after middle ear surgery" |
Anne Erler | "Investigation of the processing of prosody in cochlear-implanted children" |
Theresa Finkl | "Probabilistic tractography of the neural language network in deaf and hearing adults" |
Susanne Günther | "Über die Routineerfassung von Komplikationen nach Ohroperationen als Parameter zur Beschreibung der Behandlungsqualität in der Ohrchirurgie" |
Martin Hausold | "Noise measurements in otologic surgery" |
Martin Koch | "Active implants in the incudostapedial joint of the ossicular chain" |
Anne Mutschke | "Characterization of the olfactory pathway N400 effect in young, healthy subjects with different target modalities" |
Horia Mocanu | "The floating mass transducer as actuator in middle ear reseach" |
Christoph Müller | "Impact of tympanic membrane reconstruction of perfomance of middle ear actuators" |
Susen Lailach | "Frequency of cholesteatoma recurrence and postoperative hearing ability depending on the chosen surgical method" |
Sophia Lodes | "Importance of the weaning of tobacco in ENT medicine and pneumology in Baden-Württenber and Saxony" |
Onur Deniz Polat | "Early identification of middle ear cholesteatoma unsing flat pannel computed tomography" |
Marie-Luise Polk | "Quality assurance in middle ear surgery: Experimental and intraoperative measurements of signal transmission of the ossicular chain under electromagnetic excitation for the development and evaluation of a monitoring system for tympanoplasty" |
Friedemann Raphael | "Experimental investigations on mechanical actuators" |
Hai Yen Tao | "Application comparison of the Storz Vitom 3D visualization system in comparison to conventional surgical microscopes in ear surgery" |
Erdem Türkeli | "Histological examination of the stapes footplate" |