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Prof. Dr. med. M. Neudert"Marcus_Neudert" from ERCD licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Prof. Dr. med. M. Neudert

Medical director of lab

Marcus Neudert is the medical director of the ERCD and senior physician (german clinic related website of Marcus Neudert) at the ORL-HNS Department. Since 2015 he has held the professorship for Translational Experimental Otology. His primary research interests include auditory mechanics, middle-ear prostheses, development of new diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in middle ear surgery, and quality of life and outcome measures in otology.

His research comprises clinical questions, which are processed by experimental approaches and target developments of new medical devices and therapy strategies. A special focus is also on the establishment of quality indicators in middle ear surgery, as well as educational research.

Research priority

Scientific career

Research profiles