Dr. rer. medic. Martin Koch
Research priority
- Development of active middle ear implants (AMEIs)
- Investigation of physical middle ear parameters
2007-2009 | Research assistant at Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology Dresden, department Mechatronics/adaptronics, emphasis on ultrasound wound healing and memory shape alloy driven metal foam hip endoprothesis |
2009 | MSc (Dipl.Ing.) in Mechatronics, Technical University Dresden |
2009-2010 | Business start-up Dreipuls, project management, construction and prototype development of LED design lights |
Since 2010 | Research fellow at the faculty of medicine carl gustav carus of the TU Dresden |
2019 | Doctor's degree (Dr. rer. Medic): “Aktive Implantate im Incudostapedialgelenk der Gehörknöchelchenkette“ (Active Implants in the Incudostapedial joint gap) at the faculty of medicine carl gustav carus of TU Dresden |
Research profiles
Selected Publications
- Koch, M., Eßinger, T. M., Angerer, M., Stoppe, T., Bornitz, M., Neudert, M., & Zahnert, T. (2019). Static and Dynamic Forces in the Incudostapedial Joint Gap. Hearing Research, 378, 92–100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heares.2019.02.004
- Koch, Martin, Essinger, T. M., Stoppe, T., Lasurashvili, N., Bornitz, M., & Zahnert, T. (2016). Fully implantable hearing aid in the incudostapedial joint gap. Hear Res, 340, 169–178. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heares.2016.03.015
- Koch, Martin, Eßinger, T. M., Bornitz, M., & Zahnert, T. (2014). Examination of a mechanical amplifier in the incudostapedial joint gap: FEM simulation and physical model. Sensors (Basel), 14(8), 14356–14374. https://doi.org/10.3390/s140814356
- Koch, M., Seidler, H., Hellmuth, A., Bornitz, M., Lasurashvili, N., & Zahnert, T. (2013). Influence of the middle ear anatomy on the performance of a membrane sensor in the incudostapedial joint gap. Hear Res, 301, 35–43.