Bio-Compatible Sensor for Middle Ear Pressure Monitoring on a Bio-Degradable Substrate
Hypotension in the middle ear can cause serious diseases and hearing disorders. Until now, pressure in the middle ear is measured indirectly by using the impedance of the tympanic membrane (tympanometry). Direct methods are just described in scientific studies and would be harmful in clinical routine.
In collaboration with the IAP, the ERCD developed a bio-compatible organic sensor for direct monitoring of pressure in the middle ear. The PITROS-project („Pressure monitoring in the tympanic cavity using resorbable organic sensors“) is funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Center for Digital Health (EKFZ) and combines the rapidly developing fields of technology and medical use.
PITROS has for the first time enabled direct and wireless pressure measurement in the middle ear using an organic, bio-compatible sensor. Pressure changes in the range of -7.5 kPa to +7.5 kPa were measured with a 2x 4 mm capacitive sensor that can be inserted into the human middle ear in the future. Established RF-field detection techniques are used for wireless signal transmission.
Taking the measure values for the capacitance, coil inductance, and series resistance, we can estimate the expected phase/resonance frequency shift of the sensor system. The published work suggests that the pressure changes occurring in the middle ear could be detected using established RF-field detection techniques.