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Dr. Christoph Müller received the 1st prize of the Foundation for University Medicine
21. December 2020

Dr. Christoph Müller received the 1st prize of the Foundation for University Medicine

The ERCD is very happy for its staff member Dr. Christoph Müller, who received the 1st prize of the Foundation for University Medicine and the Sponsors' Association of the Carl Gustav Carus Medical Faculty for his dissertation. On December 17th 2020, his work was awarded in the category "experimental-theoretical field", with the topic: "Investigations on the influence of tympanic membrane reconstruction on middle ear transfer function after middle ear reconstruction with active middle ear implants".

Investigation of the sound transmission of active and passive middle ear implants in the chronically diseased middle ear represents one of the research topics of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery and the ERCD. Christoph Müller's experiments impressively demonstrated that stable reconstruction of the tympanic membrane enables optimal performance of implantable hearing aids, even if the middle ear is poorly ventilated postoperatively. “His work provides important evidence for the superiority of implantable hearing aids over conventional hearing aids in treating combined hearing loss, which are regularly encountered in chronic middle ear infections," says Marcus Neudert, medical director of the ERCD. The results of his award-winning work have been published in the journal Hearing Research.


Müller, C., Zahnert, T., Neudert, M., Ossmann, S., & Bornitz, M. (2019). Vibroplasty Combined with Tympanic Membrane Reconstruction in Middle Ear Ventilation Disorders. Hearing Research, 378, 166–175.