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World Hearing Day 2024: Focusing on Change and Awareness

World Hearing Day 2024: Focusing on Change and Awareness

Join us at the University Hospital Dresden on March 15, 2024, to celebrate this year's World Hearing Day with a special training event. This year's theme emphasizes changing mindsets for better ear and hearing care. Discover the latest in hearing research and rehabilitation at our special event, led by renowned experts. Explore new surgical trends, innovative therapies, and advanced hearing technologies at our ENT Clinic.
Mar 15, 2024 from 01:30 PM to 04:30 PM
Hörsaal DINZ / Haus 19
Hörsaal DINZ / Haus 19
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0351 458 2224
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On March 3, 2024, we globally celebrate World Hearing Day, an initiative by the World Health Organization (WHO) aimed at raising awareness about the importance of ear and hearing care. This year's theme, "Changing mindsets: Let’s make ear and hearing care a reality for all", focuses on overcoming societal misperceptions and stigmatizing mindsets.

The Hearing Center at the University Hospital Dresden: A Central Hub

Last year, the University Hospital Dresden established the HörCentrum (Hearing Center), strengthening expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing disorders and ear diseases. The HörCentrum unites various specialties, offering transparent care pathways and interdisciplinary collaboration, serving as a hub for individuals with hearing disorders and ear diseases. It provides specialized consultations, including for implantable hearing systems and pediatric audiology, ensuring individualized and high-quality care for patients of all ages.

Training and Information Event at the ENT Clinic of the University Hospital Dresden

In the context of this year's World Hearing Day, we are pleased to announce a special event for ENT doctors and audiologists on March 15, 2024, led by Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Neudert and Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Thomas Zahnert. Our focus is on sharing current knowledge and trends in key areas of ear and hearing care.

Program Highlights

  • New Trends in Ear Surgery: Discover the latest developments and techniques.
  • Current Insights in Sudden Hearing Loss Therapy: Learn about innovative treatment approaches.
  • Prediction of Speech Understanding with Cochlear Implants: Insights into the latest research.
  • Connectivity of Hearing Aids and Hearing Systems: Discussion on modern technologies and their application.

Contact and Registration

For more information and to register, please contact us here.

Scientific Program

1:30 PM: Opening of the Congress Office

2:00 PM: Welcome and Opening
Prof. Dr. med. Dr.  h. c. Thomas Zahnert, Prof. Dr. med. Marcus Neudert

2:10 PM: With Endoscope and Exoscope – New Trends in Ear Surgery
Dr. med. Christoph Müller
Junior Research Group "Surgical Assistance Systems"
Clinic and Polyclinic for ENT Medicine, University Hospital Dresden

2:35 PM: Update on Sudden Hearing Loss
Dr. med. Susen Lailach
Head of the Pediatric Audiology University Outpatient Clinic
Deputy Head of the Saxon Cochlear Implant Centre
Clinic and Polyclinic for ENT Medicine, University Hospital Dresden

3:00 PM: Preoperative Monosyllabic Understanding as a Predictor for Speech Understanding with Cochlear Implants
Dr. Annett Franke-Trieger
Audiological Director of the Saxon Cochlear Implant Centre and Functional Department of Audiometry
Clinic and Polyclinic for ENT Medicine, University Hospital Dresden

3:25 PM: Connectivity of Hearing Aids and Hearing Systems
Dr. Hannes Seidler
Research Associate at the Ear Research Center Dresden
Clinic and Polyclinic for ENT Medicine, University Hospital Dresden

3:50 PM: Open Discussion

4:00 PM: Farewell and Get Together

TdH 2024