Proton beam therapy
Radiation oncology is besides surgery and chemotherapy one of the three pillars of the curative or palliative (symptom reduction) treatment options in oncology. Proton beam therapy is a highly precise radiation treatment technique, which has evolved rapidly during the last years and is in general applied with curative intention. Less harmful irradiation techniques and new methods and combinations of different treatment options have increased the chances of cure for patients diagnosed with cancer.
With proton beam therapy, physics and techniques offer new perspectives and improved chances of cure in the battle against cancer. The Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden started patient care in 2014 in the Universitäts ProtonenTherapie Dresden – Klinik für Strahlentherapie/OncoRay and since 2017 offers all proton beam techniques for highly precise patient care. Alongside, innovative for improved proton beam delivery are being developed and gradually transferred into the clinic.
In order to translate novel findings in cancer research into routine patient care in a timely manner, we cooperate with different partner institutions, e.g., with OncoRay – Nationales Zentrum für medizinische Strahlenforschung in der Onkologie. With funding from the national government, the Free State of Saxony and other institutions, scientists can develop innovative forms of treatment against cancer and offer those to patients, some in the context of clinical studies.